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mrbroph 2010-09-16 13:44

Plastic Theme causing battery drain!
I've had a look through quite a lot of the other Battery drain related threads and haven't found any mention of this so apologies if this is a duplicate or has been mentioned before!

I'd been having problems with battery life after installing the power kernel and overclocking my N900, it went from a good two days standby to about 6 or 7 hours, this is with very light use i.e. a few texts and a few short phone calls and no browsing.

Obviously I put this down to the new clock speed (originally 900Mhz) so gradually dropped it back to the standard 600Mhz, but still the battery life was only just over 7 hrs? So i uninstalled the power kernel, rebooted etc... and still no joy?

I uninstalled a couple of other apps based on the advice from people on here with battery drain issues but still no joy!!! This was beginning to do my head in!

The only other thing I had installed and played with was the plastic theme and add on pack 1. I wasn't convinced that was the problem as I've always used D-Livil's themes since I got the phone and have never had any issues before. Your themes are excellent by the way, many thanks!

Anyway after uninstalling the plastic theme and add on pack, then rebooting, battery life went back up to the usual 2 days of stand by! I've since re-installed the power kernel and am running at 850Mhz and all is still well!

Anyone any ideas what may have caused this? Could it have simply been a dodgy install or is it likely to happen again if I re-install?


orion88freedom 2010-09-16 15:02

Re: Plastic Theme causing battery drain!
I can't agree with this. (I know you didnt ask me to either). I don't believe this is true. Maybe a one-off glitch? I've been using that theme for ages and I still get my 2 days the way I use it. It could be that your phone required a good few reboots to freshen up. Why not install it again and see if the same happens? But honestly, I firmly believe this isn't the cause of your battery drain. :)

Crugath 2010-09-16 15:09

Re: Plastic Theme causing battery drain!
I don't think it is either, I'm using Plastic Theme too, and on power kernel OC'ed to 900MHz and my battery has drained from 96% (full charge) to 88% since midday when I unplugged it, and the phone has sat pretty much unused since then.

Good luck finding what's causing it!

akashbhavsar 2010-09-16 15:18

Re: Plastic Theme causing battery drain!
No problems while using the Plastic Theme for me either.
My stand-by CPU usage is at 0 when I leave the phone on overnight.
I'm using the latest Pleego style in the Plastic Theme.

bingbings 2010-09-16 15:35

Re: Plastic Theme causing battery drain!
No, most probably's not the theme fault.
With Pleego here and OC 1000/250 my phone drop from 92% to 72% battery percentage in about 18h time (true not much in use - just about 20 sms, 2 min phone, no 3G data).

mrbroph 2010-09-16 15:57

Re: Plastic Theme causing battery drain!
Thanks for the feedback gents, I did think it would be very strange for the plastic theme to be the cause. As I mentioned I haven't changed anything else so may well be a glitch???

I'll re-install and reboot and make sure I reboot a couple of times after fiddling and getting the theme as I want it. Fingers crossed it was just a glitch because I was liking the new themes and customisations...

I'll let you know how I get on.
Cheers :)

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