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stobbsc 2010-09-20 06:52

Camera Problem - Operation Failed
Hi All,

My N900 camera has suddenly stopped working :-(

When I open the lens cover I can see the GPS icon come up (for geo tagging) then it goes to a black screen like it's load the camera then a notification bar comes up saying "Operation Failed".

Does anyone know how I can find out what the issue is or how to fix it?

MiK546 2010-09-20 07:14

Re: Camera Problem - Operation Failed
Are you sure that there isn't any other application using your camera? For example if your using your leds as a flashlight the camera application crashes like that.

stobbsc 2010-09-20 07:40

Re: Camera Problem - Operation Failed
I don't think so, I've taken the battery out and then started up the device again and still get the same error when no apps are runnning.

Is there some terminal code IC an run to check that something is running?


onion 2010-09-20 07:46

Re: Camera Problem - Operation Failed
Could be corrupted or full filesystem or something else. There is an old bug about it on bugzilla, check if any of the comments there might help you:

white_ranger 2010-09-20 08:14

Re: Camera Problem - Operation Failed
Hey man. I had this same problem. But I solved it by formatting the whole N900. I used WipeDrive Pro. After that, i just reflashed to the newest firmware, and the problem was gone. If you're gonna do this, make sure you back up you music and other stuff. But DON'T back up programs and settings.

keramat 2010-09-20 08:39

Re: Camera Problem - Operation Failed
Happened to me last time. just reformat ur sd card (i think ur pic taken save in ur sd card.

onion 2010-09-20 09:55

Re: Camera Problem - Operation Failed
Most likely you don't need to format anything, run a fat32 disk checker. mcheck on linux, chkdsk in windows cli or use the gui to find disk checking for the device.

acvetkov 2010-09-20 10:26

Re: Camera Problem - Operation Failed
Have you installed fcam? Have you tried with other program for taking pictures? QuickPanaroma for example? Flashlight application work?

Had same issue had the camera replaced. But first try everything noted here:

bills2north 2010-09-21 20:44

Re: Camera Problem - Operation Failed
its 99% sd card problem cos camera uses it by default if you dont change it to phone memory. dont mess with your phone yet. buy or swap a new or blank sd card. i swapped in a new one. old was from e90. probably was a real mess in there. :rolleyes:


gabby131 2010-09-21 20:46

Re: Camera Problem - Operation Failed
Overclocking? profiles lower than stock does that.......sometimes :)

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