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mr_bridger 2010-09-21 06:33

WE WON!!!!. Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
Well we did it. thought id add a final update....

GRAND FINAL!!! GET VOTING ASAP!! sorry, been tied up this weekend, hopefully still time to get our votes in!!

New poll for the X10 and Galaxy S.... X10 in lead so far... soo... whos got the biggest fan base? SE or Samsung.. lets choose the smallest! :-)

2 days it will close... ill update again then when N900 is back on..

just stumbled across this... N900 doing well!! get ur votes in! ;)

kulas 2010-09-21 06:37

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
done :D:D:D

hellhammer 2010-09-21 06:40

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
this deserve a sticky. vote nao plox.

ju-maha 2010-09-21 06:41

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
1 more vote is given

excelar8 2010-09-21 06:44

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!

longcat 2010-09-21 06:46

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
civic duty completed :)

elie-7 2010-09-21 06:55

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
i voted, guys the resuts now are 249 votes for the palm pre, and 297 for the n900, come on all of you guys vote.

RogerTHAcctant 2010-09-21 06:58

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
voted, go palm!!!!! just kidding

looks like the n900 is winning but I wouldn't be upset if palm pre won, seems like our closest cousin in terms of OS (excluding the previous maemo)

longcat 2010-09-21 07:06

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!
313 (n900) vs 251 (palm) :) lol

Aladan 2010-09-21 07:10

Re: Fone Arena Smartphone Championship - N900 FTW!

gogogo N900 :D

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