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smurfy 2010-09-21 20:04

Blocking new im contacts

i'm looking for a way to automatic block and prevent im contacts being added to my contact list.

My problem is (i think i'm not alone with this), that every other day some icq spam bot wants to add me to the contact list and i get an contact request. problem is, that even if i don't press yes the contact will be added to my contact list, and i have to remove it afterwards,

also the request itself is anoying.

is there a way to configurate the im connector to block the requests? (i'm using the default jabber connector, and an icq transport on my jabber server)


gumba 2011-01-05 08:55

Re: Blocking new im contacts
Have you been able to solve the problem in the meanwhile?

I'm facing the same problem, including the fact that on the n900 every contact that I every denied a authorization request from seems to appear in the contact list (that means a LOT). I've experienced that in no other jabber client.

quingu 2011-02-02 14:12

Re: Blocking new im contacts
Anything new on this? I'm getting up to 10 auth requests from russian spambots via icq. It's really getting on my nerves.

Any way to restrict icq to contacts in list?

seiichiro0185 2011-02-02 14:37

Re: Blocking new im contacts
I also would really like a solution for this, since I also get spammed by the russian ICQ-Bots. If anyone knows a solution it would be really appreciated

gumba 2011-02-03 07:18

Re: Blocking new im contacts
If this is a solution, you can generally block ICQ authorization requests at your ICQ transport. I'm using PyICQ-t, which has an option to automatically respond with 'Deny' on any authorization requests.
PyICQ-t also has an option to not show unauthorized contacts in your roster (although this option apparently doesn't seem to work for unauthorized contacts yet in your list, so you still need to delete them manually).

AgogData 2011-02-03 07:24

Re: Blocking new im contacts
is there a way to log in invisible or offline in n900's msn conversations ?

quingu 2011-02-03 08:53

Re: Blocking new im contacts

Originally Posted by gumba (Post 934768)
If this is a solution, you can generally block ICQ authorization requests at your ICQ transport. I'm using PyICQ-t, which has an option to automatically respond with 'Deny' on any authorization requests.

Wha... I never heard of that. Does that replace the icq plugin? Will I lose all my archived icq conversations?

gumba 2011-02-03 09:20

Re: Blocking new im contacts

Originally Posted by quingu (Post 934804)
Wha... I never heard of that. Does that replace the icq plugin? Will I lose all my archived icq conversations?

Sorry if I spread confusion... I may have explained my own configuration better. I've assumed you guy actually sitting on a Jabber/XMPP account, with the server only providing a transport to ICQ. I'm runnnig an Jabber server by myself, so I'm able to configure the way ICQ contacts are handled by the server.

If you're on a plain ICQ account I have no idea how to remedy this, sorry.

seiichiro0185 2011-02-03 09:36

Re: Blocking new im contacts

Originally Posted by gumba (Post 934768)
If this is a solution, you can generally block ICQ authorization requests at your ICQ transport. I'm using PyICQ-t, which has an option to automatically respond with 'Deny' on any authorization requests.
PyICQ-t also has an option to not show unauthorized contacts in your roster (although this option apparently doesn't seem to work for unauthorized contacts yet in your list, so you still need to delete them manually).

Thanks a lot for this hint! I already use an ICQ-Transport, but never had a closer look at which settings it allows. But after your hint I found the option to block all incoming requests. Thanks for this!

moradeeb 2011-03-02 13:42

Re: Blocking new im contacts
so there is no way to block IM contacs on msn or yahoo on n900?

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