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lilboymonkey 2010-09-22 03:21

Media not updating
I transferred some videos/songs over to my n900, but it would not update in the media library (it did before). Does anyone else have this problem? I can find it fine in file manager and play from there, but in media player it doesn't show up.

lilboymonkey 2010-09-22 13:08

Re: Media not updating
bump, anyone?

bluetalk 2011-04-06 10:50

Re: Media not updating
I have the same problem with music not updating when i delete or add things. It does sometimes but seems to have a mind of its own. All .mp3 files.

Raif 2011-04-06 11:03

Re: Media not updating
tracker cfg from the repo's to restart the media deamon


Lookup how to restart media deamon through x-terminal

Switch_ 2011-04-06 11:10

Re: Media not updating
If you delete

it will force the tracker to re-index all media present.

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