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d-iivil 2010-09-26 10:32

[Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer
theme-customizer is now @ extras-devel repository, or you can find the latest .deb file from here:

Version 0.9-63 is now @ extras-testing. Please test and cast your vote based on your results:

Theme Customiser is a control Panel util to customize your theme.
With this handy little tool you can:
- change system font family
- change system font size
- change font colors
- save and load color presets
- change application shortcut sizes at homescreen
- show or hide the backgrounds for application shortcuts at homescreen
- change web bookmark sizes at homescreen
- adjust snap to grid value at homescreen
- change icon themes
- change backgrounds for applications
- change homescreen widget opacities
- change homescreen top menu opacity
- import .ttf and .otf fonts
- save and delete themes
- restore theme files from backup
- Note: backups of any files to be modified will be created automaticly
- Thanks to CepiPerez for custom hildon-home binary.

During install a backup of your hildon-home.launch -file is created and it's restored when you uninstall the package.

All other files that are modified by the customizer are also backed up for restoring. Backups are created under /opt/theme-customizer/backups/

Known issues:
- when user chooses NOT to reboot automaticly, sometimes hildon-home won't start up or there's a ~20 seconds delay before all shortcuts re-appears on desktop. This is not serious, reboot fixes it.

Main Window:

Color picker for font colors:

Color preset manager:

Save new theme:

Restore original files from backup:

Change application wallpapers:

joppu 2010-09-26 10:38

Re: [Announce] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
Nice, probably saves some time changing this stuff manually in the config files.

Do I need to have the fonts installed on the system, or are the truetype files enough?

d-iivil 2010-09-26 10:40

Re: [Announce] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by joppu (Post 826530)
Nice, probably saves some time changing this stuff manually in the config files.

Do I need to have the fonts installed on the system, or are the truetype files enough?

Erm... to use .ttf or .otf fonts, just place them under folder /home/user/.fonts
No other "installation" is required and fonts are usable via any application.

AlMehdi 2010-09-26 10:58

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
Finally you finished it! Will try it at once and report if anything happens. This will make customizing sooooo much easier. Thanks for an awesome program.

d-iivil 2010-09-26 11:00

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by AlMehdi (Post 826540)
Finally you finished it! Will try it at once and report if anything happens. This will make customizing sooooo much easier. Thanks for an awesome program.

Heh, well it's not finished yet. Next version will include the "fontimport" -tool which install .ttf and .otf fonts from any subfolder @ MyDocs with single button click.

AlMehdi 2010-09-26 11:06

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by D-Iivil (Post 826542)
Heh, well it's not finished yet. Next version will include the "fontimport" -tool which install .ttf and .otf fonts from any subfolder @ MyDocs with single button click.

Close enough! :)

I bet we will find more things too.. This is a pretty powerful program. It pretty much allows you to change how your n900 will look.

d-iivil 2010-09-26 11:14

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by AlMehdi (Post 826545)
Close enough! :)

I bet we will find more things too.. This is a pretty powerful program. It pretty much allows you to change how your n900 will look.

Yeah. I'll also add more colors to change in next releases (colors like painted text color etc).

AlMehdi 2010-09-26 11:15

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by D-Iivil (Post 826547)
Yeah. I'll also add more colors to change in next releases (colors like painted text color etc).

Coool! Maybe you should set up a todo-list?

Changegames 2010-09-26 11:16

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900
is this replacing font changer? or i can delete font changer and just install this?

d-iivil 2010-09-26 11:20

Re: [Announce / WIP] Theme Customizer - customize your N900

Originally Posted by Changegames (Post 826551)
is this replacing font changer? or i can delete font changer and just install this?

You actually need to remove font-changer first before you can install this.

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