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Psycho 2010-10-01 07:29

can we port .apk of android to a maemo app ?
Hi guys,

Im sitting in the train ight now, going to study.. And a friend off mine showed a app of android who has the school schedule of when the lessons starts..

so i want that damn app too :p is it possible to port it ??



jedi 2010-10-01 07:41

Re: can we port .apk of android to a maemo app ?
Simple answer: no

It's not a trivial process by any means....

Psycho 2010-10-01 07:45

Re: can we port .apk of android to a maemo app ?
argh... okay -_- thnx anyway..

TDSii 2010-11-02 23:40

Re: can we port .apk of android to a maemo app ?
they found a solution for ipk, what about apk?

javispedro 2010-11-02 23:46

Re: can we port .apk of android to a maemo app ?
In case you wonder, .ipk == .deb . This is the first out of a long list of similarities between WebOS and Maemo (and also desktop Linux).

Android is too different. This is one of the reasons I despise it.

It is doable, sure, but not in an afternoon.

Biglines 2010-11-03 00:02

Re: can we port .apk of android to a maemo app ?
your confusing filenames with things that actually matter :P

2beers 2010-11-03 00:05

Re: can we port .apk of android to a maemo app ?
1. I never tried
2. It's Linux - so i guess there should be source code available. Get the source, try to compile & i guess u will go mad after the 20th missing dependency... But u can do it in principle...
They say u can convert....
I am on Linux for years & only to think about a tool that let's u convert from 1 package to another on a windows machine makes me shiver.
Btw - .deb is the package u would want for maemo...

I guess it's easier to try find a native debian solution. Maybe in some ubuntu's Netbook repro's. Still that will be *quite* some work if it's not allready here on maemo.

If u don't understand what i'm talking about u will most likely not build the pkg by yourself too soon. By the time u prob. don't need a timetable anymore :)

BUT - it's Linux & if u wanna learn howto do things like that u sure can!
Maybe start to learn how to compile your first program all by yourself - best on a bigger (faster) machine than the n900 with any Linux.

lunat 2010-11-03 00:06

Re: can we port .apk of android to a maemo app ?

Originally Posted by javispedro (Post 861556)
In case you wonder, .ipk == .deb . This is the first out of a long list of similarities between WebOS and Maemo (and also desktop Linux).

Android is too different. This is one of the reasons I despise it.

It is doable, sure, but not in an afternoon.

just curious how do you do that? i don't know much about android so excuse the dumb question.

i undstood android uses java? am i wrong?
if it is java: doesn't java mean you have to write a port to make it run? or is it posible to do some binary compiling from the java?

lfcobra 2010-11-03 00:08

Re: can we port .apk of android to a maemo app ?
what you're talking about (running android apps on linux and ultimately maemo) is what this developer is working on.

Very interesting project to keep an eye on.

pycage 2010-11-03 05:25

Re: can we port .apk of android to a maemo app ?
Android is not GNU/Linux.
Damn, this GNU-prefix now really DOES matter thanks to Google.

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