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Psycho 2010-10-02 20:24

standby time
hi all,

my stanby time is 24 hours.. im using swappulo and my n900 is OC'd to 850 mhz.. is it normal that if i do nothing .. that it uses so much energy ??

its like that swappulo is the cause off the battery drain..

any suggestions ?

gr, psych

yorg 2010-10-02 20:46

Re: standby time
how is your network coverage?

are you on 2g or 3g?

Psycho 2010-10-02 20:56

Re: standby time
Dual.. but before that swappulo app i could use my phone for 2 days standy time.. what is the real standby time off n900 by the way ??

jmk 2010-10-02 21:00

Re: standby time
Personal record is something like 4½ days (with Lehto 800Mhz ulv kernel). GSM mode was on, did almost nothing with the phone.

Battery is now probably worse so cannot get high scores anymore. And I am doing something with the phone everyday.

I had some battery problems because browser daemon was eating cpu at the background all the time. Even after reboots. Deleted everything related to flash and mozilla and also removed adblock.

Install htop and check whats eating cpu. (apt-get)

Psycho 2010-10-02 21:02

Re: standby time

Originally Posted by jmk (Post 831853)
Personal record is something like 4+days. GSM mode was on, did almost nothing with phone.

omfg thats allmost impossible for me -_- arghh

Psycho 2010-10-02 21:05

Re: standby time
but is it maybe the OC ?? im using LV of titans 37 kernell.. should i use xlv or slv or maybe even ideal ?? for less battery drain??

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