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Jaffa 2010-10-03 09:31

[Announce] "Here and Now" for Maemo 5
The N8 comes with a service called Here and Now. This reads the cell tower information you're currently connected to and opens a web page detailing the current events (cinema listings and weather, for example) near you. I've done a quick port to Maemo 5.

Once launched, it sends your approximate position to Nokia's servers and shows you what's currently going on. As it doesn't use the GPS, it's really quick:

mikecomputing 2010-10-03 10:01

Re: [Announce] "Here and Now" for Maemo 5
I guess this is writted in QT webruntime? :)

atleast this is a of proof that N900 still rocks and we will se lots of backports from nokia mobiles cause of QT :D

However it would be great if someone could integrate qtwebkit as a hildon desktop widget that way we could see some great wrt apps like above in as desktop widgets :D

fms 2010-10-03 10:05

Re: [Announce] "Here and Now" for Maemo 5
What is it written in? Python? Qt?

Bundyo 2010-10-03 10:08

Re: [Announce] "Here and Now" for Maemo 5
It opens in the default browser AFAICS.

JonWW 2010-10-03 10:11

Re: [Announce] "Here and Now" for Maemo 5
Thanks. Works well, but Nokia needs to refine their data as it misses the local stuff and wants to send you to the next town, unless you select "More results from" then you get more local things but still doesn't want to sort by distance.
Keep up the good work.

bingbings 2010-10-03 10:15

Re: [Announce] "Here and Now" for Maemo 5
Thanx mate!

Works great for me, even in a big city, pretty fast on wifi...and yep it's opening the browse.r

Jaffa 2010-10-03 10:56

Re: [Announce] "Here and Now" for Maemo 5

Originally Posted by fms (Post 832095)
What is it written in? Python? Qt?


Originally Posted by mikecomputing (Post 832091)
I guess this is writted in QT webruntime? :)

I thought about Qt, and using Qt WebKit, to try and get more control over the CSS (make the fonts bigger, relayout better in landscape), but instead opted for:
  • a shell script that
  • executes a DBus command to get cell information
  • uses awk to pull out various bits
  • executes a DBus command to open microb


However it would be great if someone could integrate qtwebkit as a hildon desktop widget that way we could see some great wrt apps like above in as desktop widgets :D
Qt WRT can already be used as a widget:

sjgadsby 2010-10-03 12:03

Re: [Announce] "Here and Now" for Maemo 5

Originally Posted by Jaffa (Post 832077)
This reads the cell tower information you're currently connected to and opens a web page detailing the current events (cinema listings and weather, for example) near you.

Has anyone else tried Here and Now while using AT&T Go Phone? If so, are you finding success? I get "Location not detected", and I wonder if that's due to AT&T, Go Phone, or the towers in my region.

Jaffa 2010-10-03 13:11

Re: [Announce] "Here and Now" for Maemo 5

Originally Posted by sjgadsby (Post 832173)
Has anyone else tried Here and Now while using AT&T Go Phone? If so, are you finding success? I get "Location not detected", and I wonder if that's due to AT&T, Go Phone, or the towers in my region.

I've had that once or twice - I think there are gaps in Nokia's geocoding database :-/

sjgadsby 2010-10-03 13:37

Re: [Announce] "Here and Now" for Maemo 5

Originally Posted by Jaffa (Post 832209)
I've had that once or twice - I think there are gaps in Nokia's geocoding database

Yes, well, if there are gaps, my area is an excellent candidate for one of them. I'll admit I mostly installed your port of Here and Now to test how wide an area the service considers to be "local". For instance, I know of only one, tiny restaurant in my Zip code, and there are certainly no theaters or official weather stations, so it's always interesting seeing how far location-based search services will "zoom out" to find results.

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