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Swirnoff 2010-10-06 01:00

Desktop equivalent of FrontView app for N900?
Looking for a prog that does the same thing as FrontView (edge correction of photographed documents) but for Windows.

I have very much studying I need to do, and have some book pages in JPEG. I was thinking since I have to transfer the pics from my phone to desktop for printing anyway, why not just do the edge correction on my desktop instead of on the tiny screen of the N900.
Google didn't find anything, it needs a specific name of the prog.

Thanx in advance,

quipper8 2010-10-06 01:14

Re: Desktop equivalent of FrontView app for N900?
well, this is a lot easier on linux using imagemagick and other tools, but there are some ports for windows I guess

a quick google shows a port for windows for unpaper

Unpaper page is here

that is basically what frontview does I think

TiagoTiago 2010-10-06 01:38

Re: Desktop equivalent of FrontView app for N900?
You can correct perspective with Gimp and many other image editing programs

angrycore 2010-10-07 19:56

Re: Desktop equivalent of FrontView app for N900?
You can try to use scantailor. Not for sure, but as I know, it has windows port.

umpie 2012-02-20 08:38

Re: Desktop equivalent of FrontView app for N900?

Originally Posted by quipper8 (Post 834337)
well, this is a lot easier on linux using imagemagick and other tools, but there are some ports for windows I guess

There seems to be a Windows installation for it as well, but as far as I can see imagemagick is just crap.


Originally Posted by quipper8 (Post 834337)
a quick google shows a port for windows for unpaper
that is basically what frontview does I think

Not sure how this program works, looks like a command-line program???
Way to complicated. We want the just point and cut-stretch.

umpie 2012-02-20 09:13

Re: Desktop equivalent of FrontView app for N900?

Originally Posted by angrycore (Post 835722)
You can try to use scantailor. Not for sure, but as I know, it has windows port.

This seems to have very limited options, and only works for flat scan documents.

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