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arcticrobot 2010-10-14 03:17

Some wonderful news considering N900, MeeGo, PR 1.3 and other good stuff
MeeGo calling - on N900 - blog post on by Harri Hakulinen.
And let me cite one of the user comments:
I just want to talk about ponies, unicorns and colorful rainbows for hours! Yes, you made me that happy! ^^
Exactly my feelings:)

frostbyte 2010-10-14 03:36

Re: Some wonderful news considering N900, MeeGo, PR 1.3 and other good stuff
how dare you post something positive. talk.maemo is only about farewell rants how the N900 didn't deliver, or arguments over how many times people have been disappointed over Nokia's abandonment of N900. this positivity must end now.

meego is not coming to N900.

ok, but it won't work.

so it might work, but the UI is going to suck.

well, if it doesn't suck, then i guess great, but you should've bought an andorid-based phone since everyone has one and it's not nokia.

and what's so special about meego anyway?

p.s. i will be dual booting to meego and it will be great. fanschmastic!

HellFlyer 2010-10-14 03:42

Re: Some wonderful news considering N900, MeeGo, PR 1.3 and other good stuff

Originally Posted by frostbyte (Post 840549)
how dare you post something positive. talk.maemo is only about farewell rants how the N900 didn't deliver, or arguments over how many times people have been disappointed over Nokia's abandonment of N900. this positivity must end now.

meego is not coming to N900.

ok, but it won't work.

so it might work, but the UI is going to suck.

well, if it doesn't suck, then i guess great, but you should've bought an andorid-based phone since everyone has one and it's not nokia.

and what's so special about meego anyway?

p.s. i will be dual booting to meego and it will be great. fanschmastic!

Your stupid trolling is not funny and if you're being sarcastic you're doing it wrong. Please go away

As for the news thanks for sharing arcticrobot :)

I especially liked this part

The PR 1.3 update is quite close now, and with that you can easily dual boot between Maemo and Meego on your N900. :D

chase15 2010-10-14 03:45

Re: Some wonderful news considering N900, MeeGo, PR 1.3 and other good stuff
wow.. triple booting of maemo, meego, and android. That would be awesome!

acvetkov 2010-10-14 03:49

Re: Some wonderful news considering N900, MeeGo, PR 1.3 and other good stuff
Very good news :) easy dualbooting provided from Nokia :eek: since PR 1.3 is their official release.. damn where are all the whine trolls now :cool:

ejasmudar 2010-10-14 03:49

Re: Some wonderful news considering N900, MeeGo, PR 1.3 and other good stuff
Cut 'im some slack, Mr. Flyer, Ya' know? Coo' down. No need t'get aggressive, man.

droll 2010-10-14 03:51

Re: Some wonderful news considering N900, MeeGo, PR 1.3 and other good stuff
btw, this thread should be merged with as the blog posting was already discussed there.

chase15 2010-10-14 03:51

Re: Some wonderful news considering N900, MeeGo, PR 1.3 and other good stuff

Originally Posted by acvetkov (Post 840555)
Very good news :) easy dualbooting provided from Nokia :eek: since PR 1.3 is their official release.. damn where are all the whine trolls now :cool:

would you lke to start it?? :D fosho we'll see that soon..

frostbyte 2010-10-14 03:52

Re: Some wonderful news considering N900, MeeGo, PR 1.3 and other good stuff
sorry to hurt your feelings. and i appreciate the pointer how not to do sarcasm; i'll keep that in mind on this and my follow-up posts. unfortunately, now that you told me to go away, i'll have to do the exact opposite :)

meego is fun (have had it on a netbook for months) and i'm excited that there's some positive "official" communication regarding meego and N900.

Deaconclgi 2010-10-14 04:06

Re: Some wonderful news considering N900, MeeGo, PR 1.3 and other good stuff
Amazingly good news! I am excited to hear that Maemo is moving forward with PR1.3 AND further Meego development. It sounds like there are N900 fans with high positions at Nokia that see the value in not letting the N900 become a lost cause.

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