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ahmadka 2010-10-14 07:42

Any image browsing control in Qt ?
Hey all ... I was wondering if there's any control available in Qt which can facilitate in browsing for a picture ? ... Like showing all the pictures of a folder in a tiled manner on the screen with small thumbnails, similar to the image browsing areas in the N900 ... Is anything similar to that available via Qt ?

I need something like this for my application and I dont really want to make a browsing control like this all on my own ..

gnuton 2010-10-14 08:12

Re: Any image browsing control in Qt ?
What about using a QListView in IconMode?

Maybe you could find interesting the following article:

benlau 2010-10-14 08:32

Re: Any image browsing control in Qt ?
I don't found any Qt component can do the job , and therefore I wrote a class by myself. Gnuton's link is good , but if I remember correctly , the implemention of thumbnailer in Maemo has a little bits different than Gnome's implementation.

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