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kulas 2010-10-16 13:10

has anyone encountered watching videos in youtube with out the option 360p or 720p etc..?

MohammadAG 2010-10-16 13:13

Re: youtube
Yeah, same here, I think it only plays 360p :/

atilla 2010-10-16 13:44

Re: youtube
i think it isn't 360p.
something like 100p or similar.
really bad qualitiy....

DaReaper 2010-10-16 13:46

Re: youtube
Wow didn't notice that before o_O .... i don't know if this is related to the flash player

atilla 2010-10-16 13:56

Re: youtube
its is definetly releated to the flashplayer and the site.
i mean if you come on with a pc you have all options for the vids.
but if you come with an n900 its like tey would block the options.
the other thing is that i'm not sure if an non overclocked n900 could handle 360 or 520 or 720p

fuyoh 2010-10-16 13:58

Re: youtube
the quality is really bad when using browser to watch youtube.

mediabox seems to give better quality

DaReaper 2010-10-16 13:58

Re: youtube

Originally Posted by atilla (Post 842620)
its is definetly releated to the flashplayer and the site.
i mean if you come on with a pc you have all options for the vids.
but if you come with an n900 its like tey would block the options.
the other thing is that i'm not sure if an non overclocked n900 could handle 360 or 520 or 720p

I don't know , but the N900 should be able to Play 360p videos , but i don't know how smoothly or flawlessly .....

kulas 2010-10-16 15:39

Re: youtube
I hope there's someone out there that could fix this.. :D

i want to learn linux but I dnt have much time to study :|

takashi 2010-10-17 03:26

Re: youtube
you can watch them in Mediabox in good quality.

xtian 2010-10-17 03:37

Re: youtube
Agreed MediaBox has way better YouTube video quality.

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