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rbathgate 2010-10-19 20:29

Connect to WLAN

When connected to my WiFi network, I want to be able to browse the device on my computer through the normal LAN.

The LAN router assigns the n900 an IP, but I cannot connect to said IP through any method of windows networking.

Should this be possible, and/or is there an app to allow it?

Thanks in advance

MiK546 2010-10-19 20:33

Re: Connect to WLAN
Try using SSH, use the search function to find a guide (there are many good ones avaible).

jedi 2010-10-19 20:35

Re: Connect to WLAN
If I'm understanding your correctly, you might find something like Wizard Mounter helpful ( - you can mount Windows network shares to your N900.

It's very handy :)

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