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maluka 2010-10-20 02:51

PR 1.3. Leaked?

With an official release of PR1.3 right around the corner, it’s no surprise that wk36b2 image has been leaked. I’ve seen builds up to wk41 and adjustments to source for bug fixes in upstream repositories.

It’s unknown who built the image, or where it was pulled from. Internal testing? Yanked and built from upstream sources? Built out of PR1.2 with malicious intent? An embedded rootkit or backdoor? Who knows.

It was packed on a Windows XP system, October 8th at 11:15 AM. It’s a week 36, second build image. PR1.3 official is after week 41, at the very least. It contains slight version-updated packages and a kernel release of `2.6.28-20103103+0m5`.

As with my previous tweet, if you’re able to get your hands on the image (RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin) I’m recommending that casual N900 users do NOT install this. Wait for PR1.3 – straight from Nokia, with all the glorious bug-fixes and slight updates. Well, you should be able to boot MeeGo though, right?
via maemofanatics

RAZOR 2010-10-20 02:54

Re: PR 1.3. Leaked?
You're not keeping an eye on this thread are you?

maluka 2010-10-20 03:07

Re: PR 1.3. Leaked?

Originally Posted by RAZOR (Post 845681)
You're not keeping an eye on this thread are you?

I am, but this is a different development and I'm not in the mood for more Chuck Norris jokes. ;)

F2thaK 2010-10-20 03:08

Re: PR 1.3. Leaked?
not meant to link to leaked firmware mate

RobbieThe1st 2010-10-20 03:32

Re: PR 1.3. Leaked?

Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 845686)
not meant to link to leaked firmware mate

And your point is?

The OP did -not- link to a leaked image. He linked to new source talking about a leaked image.

SD. 2010-10-20 11:00

Re: PR 1.3. Leaked?
There's been posts about the leaked firmware for the past 3 days in the "Firmware 1.3 on its way????" thread.

Go there and read what's fixed and what's currently missing or broken.

It's definitely not the final build.

longcat 2010-10-20 11:31

Re: PR 1.3. Leaked?

Originally Posted by SD. (Post 845958)
There's been posts about the leaked firmware for the past 3 days in the "Firmware 1.3 on its way????" thread.

Go there and read what's fixed and what's currently missing or broken.

It's definitely not the final build.

no, it's not final, plus Chinese central committee has a backdoor in it which subversively controls your behavior using alpha waves that come from omap processor underclocking

:P :P :P :P (flushing the water)

colm.smyth 2010-10-20 11:34

Re: PR 1.3. Leaked?
MeeGo Experts are detailing info and providing a link to download, yes PR1.3 or at least a leaked Chinese version. If this is a real official version albeit leaked I would doubt that much will change between now and the official version, this means that not much is changed based on MeeGo Experts findings.

Potentially this is not good news, what if nothing really changes, people will be rightly pi$$ed off

longcat 2010-10-20 11:43

Re: PR 1.3. Leaked?
according to my findings about leaked firmware: it's nice, but it has bugs that i'm not going to tell because it's irrelevant since it's not official, it's week 36

HangLoose 2010-10-20 11:45

Re: PR 1.3. Leaked?

Originally Posted by colm.smyth (Post 845985)
MeeGo Experts are detailing info and providing a link to download, yes PR1.3 or at least a leaked Chinese version. If this is a real official version albeit leaked I would doubt that much will change between now and the official version, this means that not much is changed based on MeeGo Experts findings.

Potentially this is not good news, what if nothing really changes, people will be rightly pi$$ed off

The thing is not even released and you are already predicting that there will be whiners?! There will *always* be people *****ing about something, dont worry...

Just let the update come and then say something. This game prediction played in this forum is very tiresome and adds nothing to this place. (just like this post)

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