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travla 2010-10-22 01:30

[Ovi Store] - New Release: Simple & Sci Calculator
Hi guys,
Just noticed this new app in the Ovi Store:

I know we have plenty of community calculators, some of which are way more powerful (and just plain better), but good to see free commercial offerings as an alternative.

Download is 738 kb, I just installed it and had a play around, not the prettiest of apps, will probably uninstall very soon....



xtian 2010-10-22 03:42

Re: [Ovi Store] - New Release: Simple & Sci Calculator
I saw that the other day. Looking at the given picture, I didn't really want to touch it as it didn't look appealing. Plus, I don't use scientific calculators often. If they made it look better, then I wouldn't mind installing it.

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