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HellFlyer 2010-10-22 02:06

Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
Well folks it seems Nokia finally get it. Read the article

So in other words: Narrow focus to Symbian aand MeeGo , support all devices with updates to future versions :)

Oh and as we know Nokia's profit gone up

They only thing is that they gonna fire 1800 people :(
That's the part of restructuring by new management but was is necessary? :confused:

bugelrex 2010-10-22 02:40

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
If they promise an update which allows N8 to dual-boot Meego you'll see sales of N8 skyrocket like crazy.. that's if the n8 meets the minimum hardware spec for meego

F2thaK 2010-10-22 02:40

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
Nokias back..............

m0da 2010-10-22 02:40

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
Nice! Symbian users get to update to a newer Symbian!

Oh wait... it's still just Symbian. They better hope Symbian^4 is nothing like Symbian^3.

onethreealpha 2010-10-22 02:40

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
I wonder of the push to html5 might mean a move away from flash?
might explain why Nokia isn't bothering with the 10.1 upgrade for the N900.......

txh 2010-10-22 02:56

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news
Wow! I wonder what other surprises they have up their sleeve.

bandora 2010-10-22 03:11

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by m0da (Post 847631)
Nice! Symbian users get to update to a newer Symbian!

Oh wait... it's still just Symbian. They better hope Symbian^4 is nothing like Symbian^3.

Oh wait... You're still a troll... Symbian is an amazing OS.. But you won't understand that...

bugelrex 2010-10-22 03:17

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by bandora (Post 847647)
Oh wait... You're still a troll... Symbian is an amazing OS.. But you won't understand that...

The Symbian OS is amazing but the UI layer is just sad for a 2010 product. Hope the 1,800 people Nokia fired today were the ones responsible for the UI

MMMmm i read this N8 review:

At least he gives examples of why the UI is clunky and unfriendly

HellFlyer 2010-10-22 03:38

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by m0da (Post 847631)
Nice! Symbian users get to update to a newer Symbian!

Oh wait... it's still just Symbian. They better hope Symbian^4 is nothing like Symbian^3.

Nice trollin :p

However as I said Nokia is narrowing its focus to Qt , Symbian and MeeGo there wont be Symbain feature packs ,^4, ^5 etc as Mr. Green said


You can buy a Nokia smartphone confident that any improvements introduced later to the Symbian platform, such as the user interface, can be made available to download on your device as well. No need to wait for Symbian^4 - the improvements we were planning for Symbian^4 will be introduced as and when they become available. In fact, we will no longer be talking about Symbian^3 or Symbian^4 at all – it will be one constantly evolving and constantly improving platform.
@bugelrex :)

Symbian is one of the oldest OSes around and its simply not designed to work with touchscreen devices however with Nokia's help it is becoming close to such OS but it wont be suitable for high end for sure ....Nokia knows that as well, hence MeeGo is their answer for high end sector

gerbick 2010-10-22 03:40

Re: Shocker! Nokia will update N8 to Symbian ^4 and other news

Originally Posted by bugelrex (Post 847629)
If they promise an update which allows N8 to dual-boot Meego you'll see sales of N8 skyrocket like crazy.. that's if the n8 meets the minimum hardware spec for meego

Not quite yet. MeeGo needs to prove itself whereas Symbian^3 is out now and doing just that right now.

The upgrade path being made known upfront though... now that's something I can fully get behind... bravo Nokia.

Job well done.

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