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nicholes 2010-10-22 16:30

Is it possible to swap the keys on n900?
i m tired with ctrl+c for copy the "C" is too far from my right hand thumb!
I wonder if C takes place of "P" or "L"

easy to copy for me and paste at least

do you also feel like me?

atilla 2010-10-22 16:35

Re: Is it possible to swap the keys on n900?

nicholes 2010-10-22 16:48

Re: Is it possible to swap the keys on n900?

Originally Posted by atilla (Post 848096)

i xpected the same reply....but there are some people on the earth,i think they can hack and do it

atilla 2010-10-22 16:50

Re: Is it possible to swap the keys on n900?
im sure someone can.
but no one will try it cause nobody wants to mess up his keyboard..

zerocool2k 2010-10-22 16:54

Re: Is it possible to swap the keys on n900?
You can try this.

nicholes 2010-10-22 16:55

Re: Is it possible to swap the keys on n900?

Originally Posted by atilla (Post 848106)
im sure someone can.
but no one will try it cause nobody wants to mess up his keyboard..

i mean there should be some application for this and there should be offcource a "default" botton in it to reset the kyes.

i really miss many apps in maemo as compare to the android
(i m not saying that there is key swapper available for android)

nicholes 2010-10-22 16:57

Re: Is it possible to swap the keys on n900?

Originally Posted by zerocool2k (Post 848111)
You can try this.

i wanted something like that THANKS! but i would try when i get time i am going to bad now(it is time for sleep here in india)

kolos 2010-10-22 17:06

Re: Is it possible to swap the keys on n900?
To just swap the keys is relatively easy and it doesn't requires any programming knowladge. But you want to change function also and I don't think that only swapping keys is enough. You can try and you will know.
On mine N900 I replaced currency symbols with extra letters present in my native language.

Mentalist Traceur 2010-10-23 00:42

Re: Is it possible to swap the keys on n900?
I THINK if you change something else to C, then that Ctrl+C will be the same as the hardware Ctrl+C. The only question is: How okay are you with mapping your C to something else, and then where do you put it? (I personally am fine reaching over with my right thumb to the C. I suppose there's different ways to hold it or something. But yeah.)

You MAY also be able to find one of the custom Hildon Desktop packages, or get someone to compile one for you - that lets you change the keyboard combination mappings - I don't know if the one I'm thinking of lets you edit the default ones, but I'm sure it does.

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