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jussi69 2010-10-23 16:45

MeeGo leader Jaakso LEAVES Nokia
MeeGo leader at Nokia has left the company and joined HP WebOS!

This looks catastrophic. To me this tells me that MeeGo has no future. This guy was an evangelist, but suddenly he just left us all and jumped into another bandwagon! Shows me how much he appreciated us!

Reffyyyy 2010-10-23 16:49

Re: MeeGo leader Jaakso LEAVES Nokia

I believe there are already threads covering this subject. Possibly use search in future?

HellFlyer 2010-10-23 17:00

Re: MeeGo leader Jaakso LEAVES Nokia
You're late a week or so :D Its been discussed dozens of times and NO its not a tragedy its a salvation ;)

ysss 2010-10-23 17:02

Re: MeeGo leader Jaakso LEAVES Nokia
Jaaksi was when he's very fair, and he's turned darker now to become Jaakso?

longcat 2010-10-23 17:02

Re: MeeGo leader Jaakso LEAVES Nokia
triple facepalm (chuck norris facepalm)

jussi69 2010-10-23 17:07

Re: MeeGo leader Jaakso LEAVES Nokia

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 848805)
Jaaksi was when he's very fair, and he's turned darker now to become Jaakso?

Well, let's face it. He wasn't very committed to MeeGo in the first place, was he? He rather just chased his own goals - bigger paycheck I suppose.

bingbings 2010-10-23 17:12

Re: MeeGo leader Jaakso LEAVES Nokia
Strange world where everyone search for a better paycheck, but.....whitout Jaaksi or whatever you want to call him there was no Maemo with I don't know how many steps.....

AMLJ 2010-10-23 17:17

Re: MeeGo leader Jaakso LEAVES Nokia

Originally Posted by jussi69 (Post 848811)
Well, let's face it. He wasn't very committed to MeeGo in the first place, was he? He rather just chased his own goals - bigger paycheck I suppose.

That's common sense... That's how life works

What? You think Jaaksi's in love with you? No... He's not! Nobody cares about the users! They just want to fill their pockets.. That's what we all do, isn't it?

jussi69 2010-10-23 17:17

Re: MeeGo leader Jaakso LEAVES Nokia

Originally Posted by bingbings (Post 848814)
Strange world where everyone search for a better paycheck, but.....whitout Jaaksi or whatever you want to call him there was no Maemo with I don't know how many steps.....

No. You are wrong. Without Linus Torvalds (who started the linux-project) and GNU-tools and Gnome-project there wouldn't be Maemo. Jaaksi was not important in any way. To my knowledge he has not contributed anything to open source world.

Maemo is just a linux distribution that has been named Maemo.

AMLJ 2010-10-23 17:19

Re: MeeGo leader Jaakso LEAVES Nokia

Originally Posted by jussi69 (Post 848820)
No. You are wrong. Without Linus Torvalds (who started the linux-project) and GNU-tools and Gnome-project there wouldn't be Maemo. Jaaksi was not important in any way. To my knowledge he has not contributed anything to open source world.

Maemo is just a linux distribution that has been named Maemo.

I kinda agree with jussie on this... Maemo is a Debian-based distro, which has been named Maemo... But I don't know if he has contributed anything or not..

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