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mhamza 2010-10-26 15:21

PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!
I just updated to the lates PR 1.3 and guess what??
all my hopes to see actual change went away :eek:
- NO Navigation?!, is it really so hard to provide such option in Maps application? :confused:
-NO Video Call support!! :mad:
i didnt even notice any change in options that make me feel that this is the waited for update,
simply i feel like i didnt update or am i missing something? :mad:

Bratag 2010-10-26 15:37

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!

Originally Posted by mhamza (Post 851958)
I just updated to the lates PR 1.3 and guess what??
all my hopes to see actual change went away :eek:
- NO Navigation?!, is it really so hard to provide such option in Maps application? :confused:
-NO Video Call support!! :mad:
i didnt even notice any change in options that make me feel that this is the waited for update,
simply i feel like i didnt update or am i missing something? :mad:

Could we please merge this with the other whiner threads ... thanks

cddiede 2010-10-26 15:39

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!

Originally Posted by mhamza (Post 851958)
- NO Navigation?!, is it really so hard to provide such option in Maps application? :confused:
-NO Video Call support!! :mad:

Well if you think that adding turn by turn voice navigation to the Maps application should be easy, then please do it and share.

And what do you mean no Video Call support? I've been using Skype Video calls from my N900's native dialer application to Desktop Skype users for months now. Get a clue.

bristoldave 2010-10-26 15:39

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!
Where were either of these things promised? I don't see the problem with PR1.3 update. The only gripe I had with PR1.2 has been fixed. Sygic does voice navigation pretty well, and despite lots of my mates having phones that support videocalling, none of them use it.


Because it's utterly pointless. It's expensive (in the UK at least) and poor quality.

videohese 2010-10-26 15:41

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!
the bug-update also missed the "toaster" option which was highly awaited by me. i did read somwhere in these forums that you could use N900 with new update as an toaster. Now my N900 is melting in real toaster and im missing the update. ;)

frostbyte 2010-10-26 15:50

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!

Originally Posted by mhamza (Post 851958)
... or am i missing something? :mad:

nope, you got it all.

rash.m2k 2010-10-26 15:52

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!
It's a Linux open source phone!!!!

We don't need Nokia to provide updates - we can do it ourselves!!!

Personally I'm waiting for MeeGo to appear on the scene - hopefully all N900 apps will work on MeeGo and it will be a simple switch.

plus I prefer rpm's vs debs.

atz6975 2010-10-26 15:55

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!
Not a great post I agree but doesn't mean we need to be rude with someone who's obviously biter enough already.

Dave999 2010-10-26 15:58

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!
wait for pr 1.4...

wjbaird 2010-10-26 15:58

Re: PR 1.3 LITTLE changes with HUGE DISAPPOINT!!!

Originally Posted by bristoldave (Post 851983)
despite lots of my mates having phones that support videocalling, none of them use it.


Because it's utterly pointless. It's expensive (in the UK at least) and poor quality.

I was at a conference lately and the gtalk videoconferencing on the n900 was super useful to me. I was able to video chat with my wife and daughter over the conference wifi without having to haul my laptop around with me...

Probably wouldn't try it without wifi, though...

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