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patlak 2010-10-27 12:01

Rootfs issue
I have been following the wiki on freeing up rootfs space, but there seems to be no effect on my device. It constantly remains as 46. I have also removed apps which have been suggested to free up rootfs, still nothing. I know my device is crying for a reflash, since I've never done it by now, but why doesn't any root space free up no matter what I do? Thanks

egoshin 2010-10-27 16:14

Re: Rootfs issue
Try run in x-term window -

/etc/osso-af-init/ start

funkmunk 2010-10-27 16:45

Re: Rootfs issue
You have to check out my post in this thread.

Follow the instructions in the first post of this thread and you will see a lot of space available on rootfs

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