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maemosri 2010-10-28 04:20

Software Update - Ovi access etc
Hey all
I tried to access the ovi maps and ovi store today and did not see any "more" things in the ovi store after the software update. What are the things we can expect going forward, with the software update (in terms of Ovi store access and other new accessibility)

I am interested to use the Ovi music (unlimited download access) and the Ovi - Map, with turn by turn directions (not the maps which is already in N900).

Can we expect these to work in N900 in the near future

Please let me know your thoughts


Bratag 2010-10-28 04:25

Re: Software Update - Ovi access etc
I believe there is an active thread on this topic already.

sdesai 2010-10-28 04:28

Re: Software Update - Ovi access etc
yea this has been discussed many times. dont just create posts withany any effort in searching.

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