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patlak 2010-11-01 12:16

Possible N900 HD recording??!!
I just found this article that offers a guide on how to enable the 3GS to record at 1080x800@30 20mbps. Any ideas on enabling HD recording on the N900.

James_Littler 2010-11-01 12:17

Re: Possible N900 HD recording??!!

Originally Posted by patlak (Post 859524)
I just found this article that offers a guide on how to enable the 3GS to record at 1080x800@30 20mbps. Any ideas on enabling HD recording on the N900.

Use the power search, this has been discussed to death.

patlak 2010-11-01 12:22

Re: Possible N900 HD recording??!!

Originally Posted by James_Littler (Post 859525)
Use the power search, this has been discussed to death.

I know there was a thread on enabling HD. But since the competitors community has managed to enable it on the 3GS, maybe it'll force a response :)

jsomby 2010-11-01 12:27

Re: Possible N900 HD recording??!!
I think it would not be possible. Even SD quality seems to skip some frames...

patlak 2010-11-01 12:35

Re: Possible N900 HD recording??!!

Originally Posted by jsomby (Post 859536)
I think it would not be possible. Even SD quality seems to skip some frames...

That may be bad optimization on Nokia's side, since video recording was not one of the priorities for the N900. There are devices with the same SoC capable of recording 720p.

damnshock 2010-11-01 14:45

Re: Possible N900 HD recording??!!

Originally Posted by patlak (Post 859543)
That may be bad optimization on Nokia's side, since video recording was not one of the priorities for the N900. There are devices with the same SoC capable of recording 720p.

Maybe those devices don't have real multitasking, do they? ;)

rickysio 2010-11-01 14:48

Re: Possible N900 HD recording??!!
Not possible with the hardware. End of story.

Reffyyyy 2010-11-01 16:52

Re: Possible N900 HD recording??!!

Originally Posted by rickysio (Post 859720)
Not possible with the hardware. End of story.

I'm quite sure that is a lie. iPhone 3GS has almost identical hardware.

tusharmax 2010-11-01 22:58

Re: Possible N900 HD recording??!!
Definitely possible with the hardware, But maemo 5 being resource hungry doesnt even allow smooth D1 recording, A simple example being Samsung omnia HD having the ability to record HD at 24 fps but thats only becoz symbian hardly utilises the fone hardware resources.

jakiman 2010-11-01 23:02

Re: Possible N900 HD recording??!!

Originally Posted by rickysio (Post 859720)
Not possible with the hardware. End of story.

Umm. Who says so? N900's HW is easily capable of higher resolution video record/playback. (it's more powerful than 3GS btw. N900 has the same CPU and although lower spec GPU, it's actually faster as iPhone's is underclocked) N900's GPU driver however is not. It is limited purposefully. It is also closed source. So unless you can write / hack the driver, it's not possible. But if iPhone users can do it, why can't we? :(

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