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-   -   just saw the new way to type msg. any ideas on how to make it on our beloved n900??? (

greatmanlxw 2010-11-02 08:35

just saw the new way to type msg. any ideas on how to make it on our beloved n900???
hey yall, just watched this video. gotta say it looks quite awesome. wish somebody could bring it to our n900s.

ossipena 2010-11-02 08:39

Re: just saw the new way to type msg. any ideas on how to make it on our beloved n900???
looks pretty complicated compared to swype for example...

rickysio 2010-11-02 08:41

Re: just saw the new way to type msg. any ideas on how to make it on our beloved n900???
Already been done. ;/

Joking about the above :

Stupidly inefficient way of text entry.

Edit : Try searching before posting, TYVM.

mark_ireland 2010-11-02 08:43

Re: just saw the new way to type msg. any ideas on how to make it on our beloved n900???
that looks interesting

kinggo 2010-11-02 08:49

Re: just saw the new way to type msg. any ideas on how to make it on our beloved n900???
I'm not sure about this. I tried swype on my hero and it's total crap for me. This looks equally crappy. I want good old 90's handwriting recognition back. :( :( :( Palm's graffiti, or even better, UIQs HWR.

cokeman 2010-11-02 08:52

Re: just saw the new way to type msg. any ideas on how to make it on our beloved n900???
i say when or if u get use to it could become real cool/easy

kinggo 2010-11-02 09:02

Re: just saw the new way to type msg. any ideas on how to make it on our beloved n900???
But what's the point? If I have to do some gestures on the screen why do something like that instead of gesturing a real letters.

admiral0 2010-11-02 09:11

Re: just saw the new way to type msg. any ideas on how to make it on our beloved n900???
I owned a freerunner: was the best input system.

ossipena 2010-11-02 09:12

Re: just saw the new way to type msg. any ideas on how to make it on our beloved n900???

Originally Posted by cokeman (Post 860620)
i say when or if u get use to it could become real cool/easy

you know this way of inputting everyone capable writing is used to? it involves pen and paper....

(in other words: +1 to text regognition)

admiral0 2010-11-02 09:20

Re: just saw the new way to type msg. any ideas on how to make it on our beloved n900???
What if we compile and adapt qwo for vertical mode input? It's square and can be made transparent (we have compositing for free in maemo)

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