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frostbyte 2010-11-02 21:29

BGR: "...the N8, at $549, is a disappointment"
The U.S.-based blog gives a fairly thorough review of the N8. Any actual N8 users, what say you?

slender 2010-11-02 21:44

Re: BGR: "...the N8, at $549, is a disappointment"
I read it fast and looks like that they liked many things in it but I would have appreciated more detailed analysis about software. Now it´s pretty much on level "It's not sexy". Right :| It's not! Tell me something new genius.

Actually that was pretty bad review. This page is in finnish but I hope that it gives some idea about how to make reviews and do WORK on subject:

There is just too much opinions without really opening and analyzing stuff deeply. Makes at least me sad. Maybe good for people who do not like to read lots of text :|

They didn´t even mention usb-otg or fm transmitter. Did they really use that phone?

efekt 2010-11-02 21:55

Re: BGR: "...the N8, at $549, is a disappointment"
The most throughout and professional reviews I know belong to GSMArena.
For example, here's their N8 review.

cjp 2010-11-02 22:00

Re: BGR: "...the N8, at $549, is a disappointment"

Originally Posted by slender (Post 861433)
Actually that was pretty bad review. This page is in finnish but I hope that it gives some idea about how to make reviews and do WORK on subject:

Aw man I remember reading that review just days before I managed to nab a N900 for myself. Just found my self reading through it again. Damn I love this phone.

frostbyte 2010-11-02 22:50

Re: BGR: "...the N8, at $549, is a disappointment"

Originally Posted by slender (Post 861433)
Actually that was pretty bad review. This page is in finnish but I hope that it gives some idea about how to make reviews and do WORK on subject:

I agree, the BGR review doesn't dig deep enough, but it works for the average American who has an attention span of a gold fish :) (I KID, I KID!)

Though, from the Finnish N900 review, this made me chuckle a bit:

"Maemon tulevaisuus on kirkas. Nokialla on käsissään oma jo nyt vahva, mutta tulevaisuudessa vielä vahvempi alustansa. Maemo 6 tuo tulee tuomaan mukanaan joitakin merkittäviä uudistuksia, sekä varmasti myös paljon pikkuhiontaa, jonka myötä Maemosta tulee "valmis"."

[For the non-Finns: "Maemo has a bright future. Nokia has an already strong platform which the future will further improve. Maemo 6 will bring along some notable improvements as well as some bug fixes, through which Maemo will become "complete".]

Yes. Not so much. Great success, I very excite.

sjgadsby 2010-11-02 23:15

Re: BGR: "...the N8, at $549, is a disappointment"

Originally Posted by frostbyte (Post 861503)
I agree, the BGR review doesn't dig deep enough, but it works for the average American who has an attention span of a gold fish

Please refrain from stereotyping whole--Hey, look! A kitty!

ericsson 2010-11-02 23:27

Re: BGR: "...the N8, at $549, is a disappointment"

Originally Posted by efekt (Post 861441)
The most throughout and professional reviews I know belong to GSMArena.
For example, here's their N8 review.

Sometimes GSMArena is way off with subjective nonsense and geekish projection of what 'the average user' want or even need, but on average they are one of the best together with Cnet Asia

Edit: It is also interesting to see the comparison of different devices from the reviewers and users. Obviously the N8 is highly liked by the users, much more so than other phones.

tzsm98 2010-11-02 23:53

Re: BGR: "...the N8, at $549, is a disappointment"

Originally Posted by frostbyte (Post 861421)
The U.S.-based blog gives a fairly thorough review of the N8. Any actual N8 users, what say you?

Well, geez-louise! I bought a phone that doesn't appeal to me! Thank GOD!! for BRG or I never would have known! Wow, and I thought I liked it pretty well until I read that. Now I'll just have to throw rocks at it or something.. maybe.. I don't know... anyone have cookie?

gerbick 2010-11-03 00:20

Re: BGR: "...the N8, at $549, is a disappointment"
This... again?

American "this" or American "that"... you guys are tireless with that. Perhaps the tech blogs in your native or well-liked countries need to be more known.

I'm off to start the bestest tech blog in Kyrgyzstan

quipper8 2010-11-03 00:22

Re: BGR: "...the N8, at $549, is a disappointment"
i have an n8 and an n900. right now i am posting this with n900. would i post this with the n8. maybe, if i had to. i really like the hardware keyboard type devices.

tomorrow i am driving two hours and will be in like conference type shouw for a few hours at a time, tomorrow i will be taking the n8. better battery life, better one handed email, better nav.

the n8 is quite sexy to me, very nice metal and glass construction. i have used symbian before so i am used to it, but even so with shortcut widgets you can basically make it like an iphone if you wanted to(just shortcuts icons on a desktop).

not to mention the camera and the photo and video editing software...

overall i think the n8 is a superdevice. two huge areas i think it can improve:

portrait qwerty
more modern and optimized web browser(supposedly this is in the works with qtwebkit based browser)

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