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txh 2010-11-04 22:44

Phone Call Recieved From Nokia Customer Care about the Nokia N900
I wish I recorded the call but I didn't. A while back (in June 2010) I was littering Nokia's facebook, twitter, and customer support email with messages asking for portrait mode firmware for the Nokia n900 and asking why they had created such a powerful device and then just abandoned it.

On Monday, November 1, at about 2pm Eastern time. I received a call from Nokia Customer Care (after 6 months) They stated that the call is in regard to my previous messages. They made the following points.

1. PR 1.3 has been released. (As if I didn't already know this)
2. They said that it doesn't support portrait mode yet (duhhhhhhh)
3. They said hopefully this will come in the next firmware update (so there is actually going to be another firmware update??)

I found this call very strange, it came from a Private Number and it was a funny accent and they claimed to be Nokia Customer Care. I wish I recorded the call.

Crogge 2010-11-04 22:55

Re: Phone Call Recieved From Nokia Customer Care about the Nokia N900

Originally Posted by txh (Post 863783)
I wish I recorded the call but I didn't. A while back (in June 2010) I was littering Nokia's facebook, twitter, and customer support email with messages asking for portrait mode firmware for the Nokia n900 and asking why they had created such a powerful device and then just abandoned it.

On Monday, November 1, at about 2pm Eastern time. I received a call from Nokia Customer Care (after 6 months) They stated that the call is in regard to my previous messages. They made the following points.

1. PR 1.3 has been released. (As if I didn't already know this)
2. They said that it doesn't support portrait mode yet (duhhhhhhh)
3. They said hopefully this will come in the next firmware update (so there is actually going to be another firmware update??)

I found this call very strange, it came from a Private Number and it was a funny accent and they claimed to be Nokia Customer Care. I wish I recorded the call.

Install recaller and enable auto recording ;)

I think that it may was a fake, Nokia calling their customers after months? That makes no sense.

atilla 2010-11-04 22:58

Re: Phone Call Recieved From Nokia Customer Care about the Nokia N900
maybe that was goofy.
he sometimes calls me too

txh 2010-11-04 23:01

Re: Phone Call Recieved From Nokia Customer Care about the Nokia N900

Originally Posted by Crogge (Post 863795)
Nokia calling their customers after months? That makes no sense.

They did email me shortly after I sent in a customer support email. Then I got this call 6 months later.

woody14619 2010-11-04 23:29

Re: Phone Call Recieved From Nokia Customer Care about the Nokia N900
Nokia USA is a total joke. It's run by a group that has a call center in India, which has the worst response time ever. They can't do pre-orders, or undo lockouts from the web site, or really do anything at all but be annoying. It would totally not surprise me if they're just getting to your email 6 months later.

If you'd like to read my initial experience with them on purchasing the N900 and you'll see how bad it can be. I had another run-in when I was trying to get an N900 on one of the many rebate offers, only to be snagged by following their directions, which turned out to be wrong, and resulted in me missing the chance to get in on the deal.

afaq 2010-11-04 23:57

Re: Phone Call Recieved From Nokia Customer Care about the Nokia N900
if its like anything i experienced then i would say it is nokia (or someone working for nokia) doing some research or giving out information.

nokia works in mysterious ways. ;)

sjgadsby 2010-11-05 00:00

Re: Phone Call Recieved From Nokia Customer Care about the Nokia N900

Originally Posted by txh (Post 863783)
(so there is actually going to be another firmware update??)

There's been no official word either way. It's possible there will be, I suppose, but I'm not holding my breath.


They said hopefully this will come in the next firmware update
I have a sneaking suspicion that "hopefully that will be in the next firmware update" is Nokia CARE's answer to every feature or bug fix request.

HellFlyer 2010-11-05 00:03

Re: Phone Call Recieved From Nokia Customer Care about the Nokia N900
Very odd but its quite possible that the call was from Nokia , remember guys that new management lead by Elop said they gonna listen and they will change the way Nokia works , maybe its an early sign of upcoming changes? :)

tusharmax 2010-11-05 00:11

Re: Phone Call Recieved From Nokia Customer Care about the Nokia N900
well my ageing nokia 5800 has received 10 updates in 2 yrs and expecting more too, m sure n900 has better prospects.

geneven 2010-11-05 00:27

Re: Phone Call Recieved From Nokia Customer Care about the Nokia N900
I don't think the call was a fake. I think it was a new hire.

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