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Bondage Monkey 2010-11-08 20:25

To those of you who have T-Mobile, how much do you pay monthly?
I pay $94 (after taxes) $50 3G data plan, $20 voice plan an $20 texting plan. All Unlimited besides the voice (1000 minutes, unlimited nights weekends) It seems that some of you pay less that what I pay wtf. They charge me that much because they say I have a smart phone and blah blah. Tell me your ways Maemoizens!

joshv06 2010-11-08 20:28

Re: To those of you who have T-Mobile, how much do you pay monthly?
I pay I think 60$ after taxes.

Unlimited texts

geneven 2010-11-08 20:29

Re: To those of you who have T-Mobile, how much do you pay monthly?
I pay $15 a month plus ten cents a minute for calls, with free, unlimited, text messaging, and unlimited, unrestricted Internet, of course.

number2301 2010-11-08 20:30

Re: To those of you who have T-Mobile, how much do you pay monthly?
Not directly relevant but interesting for comparison anyway, £30 a month including unlimited internet, 900 minutes and 500 texts.

I'm really not concerned about the minutes of texts though.

ayos! 2010-11-08 20:31

Re: To those of you who have T-Mobile, how much do you pay monthly?
$65, unlimited everything

jflatt 2010-11-08 20:46

Re: To those of you who have T-Mobile, how much do you pay monthly?
$51, 500 mins talk, unlimited everything else

PathFinder@9GS 2010-11-08 20:47

Re: To those of you who have T-Mobile, how much do you pay monthly?

Originally Posted by ayos! (Post 867359)
$65, unlimited everything

Same in my case.. obv with a $10 unlimited data plan :D

xtian 2010-11-08 20:50

Re: To those of you who have T-Mobile, how much do you pay monthly?
I'm in a family plan of 5 people and I pay $40 ($30 with unlimited text plus $10 internet plan)

Bondage Monkey 2010-11-08 20:52

Re: To those of you who have T-Mobile, how much do you pay monthly?
So...why the **** am I paying so much? What can I tell these T-Mobile customer service mother f'ers so I can reduce my bill to have unlimited everything and 500 min of voice?

jflatt 2010-11-08 20:56

Re: To those of you who have T-Mobile, how much do you pay monthly?
It might just be a case of getting a good CSR. The woman I spoke with was very helpful in finding the best service for me. I think it was cheaper for me to have separate Internet service from the voice service, even though they have a plan called voice+text+web. Mine is "EvenMorePlus 500T+TX" ($40) and "Phone First Web" ($10) as an addon.

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