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andrewfblack 2010-11-10 02:50

How To Create an Icon Theme Source Package in 45 (+/-) easy steps.
I wrote this guide to help someone get a icon theme package made and I decided to share it so anyone else who has a custom icon pack and get them into extras. This guide has been used to build the new Faenza icon pack so we know it works but please let me know if anything can be enhanced to make it better.

Guide to Building a icon source package.

This guide should work on any OS all you just make sure if you’re using windows you don’t edit the files using a standard windows text editor you want to use something like Notepad++ or SciTE.

Install Software

-py2deb [ apt-get install python2.5-py2deb]
-Download here
-Download index.theme here

Computer (Windows Only)
- Notepad++ or SciTE

Signup for Garage account here

Request Extras Repo Upload Permissions here

Prepare Icon Theme Source you need to setup the right folder structure so create the following folder inside of each other.

usr > share > icons > icon-theme

Edit index.theme replace [ ] and text on line 2 and 3

Place index.theme in icon-theme folder

Now place your icons that you are replacing in the same folder you found them in hicolor (ie 48x48/hildon, 48x48/apps, 48x48/mimetypes)

You only need to include the custom icons any icons you don’t include will be pulled from the hicolor folder.

Open in text editor

Enter information anywhere you see [ ]. Remember to delete the [ ] also.

Connect N900 to your computer in Mass Storage Mode

Open File Manager and Navigate to N900 Drive

Create a folder named - Build

Open Build folder

Create a folder named after your icon theme (we will use the name icon-theme for ours.

Open [the newly created] icon-theme Folder

Upload your file. [into the newly created icon-theme folder]

Upload your icon theme package icon [into /MyDocs/Build/icon-theme/]

Create folder named src [inside /MyDocs/Build/icon-theme/]

Open src folder

Upload your icon theme source [to this src folder, maintaining correct folder structure of usr/share/icons/icon-theme/64x64 etc ]

Close file manager and unplug N900

Open Terminal

cd /MyDocs/Build/icon-theme (replace icon-theme with your theme name)


You will see a lot of stuff fly by and you will have to hit enter 4 times

You will see ~/MyDocs/Build/icon-theme when you’re done

Close terminal

Connect N900 to computer in Mass Storage Mode

Go to
Follow steps to upload source packages that are located in /Build/icon-theme folder on your N900 Drive.

Wait for email that the build is complete

Go to

Search for the package name you gave.

Look and wait for it to be imported to extras-devel

Enable extras-devel

Install Package

Set with Theme Customizer


leetut 2010-11-10 07:18

Re: How To Create an Icon Theme Source Package in 45 (+/-) easy steps.
cool! im defo gonna give that a go

fareed_xtreme 2010-11-10 07:23

Re: How To Create an Icon Theme Source Package in 45 (+/-) easy steps.
Wohooo.... This is what I have been searching for... Now I can get ma lazy *** to business ROFL.

andrewfblack 2010-11-10 07:41

Re: How To Create an Icon Theme Source Package in 45 (+/-) easy steps.
just post here if you run into any trouble.

Mike Fila 2011-05-28 00:42

Re: How To Create an Icon Theme Source Package in 45 (+/-) easy steps.

for my issues that i got following this thread.

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