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sachin007 2010-11-10 03:11

[Maemo 5] Official Twitter & Facebook widgets
Hello Guys,

I was wondering if there was any way to change the settings on the official twitter & facebook widgets by nokia?
I really like them widgets... except for the auto scrolling thing which consumes ghe battery a lot. So i was wondering if there was any way we could enable/disable the auto scroll settings on demand?

Please someone tell me how to do this. I am sure that it is not very hard for you guys.


euanandrews 2010-11-10 03:17

Re: Official Twitter & Facebook widgets
I second that request

Be great if rather than auto scrolling, we could scroll through updates using an up and down button just like with the RSS widget.

Also be great if we could change the address it goes to when the update is selected....I hate being forced to go tothe mobile version of Twitter, much rather go to the full version of the site

Kieron 2010-11-10 19:42

Re: Official Twitter & Facebook widgets


davidmaxwaterman 2011-01-24 07:13

Re: [Maemo 5] Official Twitter & Facebook widgets
anyone know f a way to stop it displaying my own tweets? at the moment, it seems to list them all, even from several months ago.

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