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Random_Nokia_Hero 2010-11-10 11:01

N900 battery life in your daily use.
I didn't find a topic bout this so i decided to make one, just to compare settings and stuff.

Ideal 250 - 700 > avg: ~15hrs

EDIT: Sorry for the useless topic :p

Straycat 2010-11-10 11:10

Re: Battery life in you're daily use.

I don't think this is an useless topic at all.

Ideal 125 - 850 ~ 12hrs

jedi 2010-11-10 11:12

Re: Battery life in you're daily use.

How long does you're battery last
It's "your" not "you're"!!!

/the grammar nazi

lma 2010-11-10 11:13

Re: Battery life in you're daily use.
Based on the poll options you're talking about N900 only? If so, sorry to rub it in but my N810 typically lasts 4-5 days between charges with IP connectivity always on and regular email/jabber/ssh use.

Blaizzen 2010-11-10 11:18

Re: Battery life in you're daily use.
Ideal: 250 - 850 ~ 18 hours

I can get 1.5 days worth of usage if I don't use it much in terms of calls/media (but with constant internet access (GPRS or Wifi) and the odd message here or there).

Random_Nokia_Hero 2010-11-10 11:20

Re: Battery life in you're daily use.

Originally Posted by lma (Post 869014)
Based on the poll options you're talking about N900 only? If so, sorry to rub it in but my N810 typically lasts 4-5 days between charges with IP connectivity always on and regular email/jabber/ssh use.

Yes i intended it for the N900, but feel free to POST other phone's battery life also :)

TiagoTiago 2010-11-10 11:21

Re: Battery life in you're daily use.
I have been going out for a bit longer than i used to these last few days, the charge goes bellow 25% way faster than i would like (when it gets bellow 50% i start to feel unconfortable, and 25% makes me really worried)

Random_Nokia_Hero 2010-11-10 11:22

Re: Battery life in you're daily use.
Anyone know what the random drops are? A week ago when i charged my phone at 03:00 it was at 1% when i woke up at 08:00?? I didn't leave any application on, didn't get any messages or phone calls either :O

EDIT: Also, i have noticed on my phone when the charge goes belove 45%, the voltage and precentage start to drop significally faster than above let's say 70%

zenecho 2010-11-10 11:41

Re: N900 battery life in your daily use.
I think it is a pretty useless topic, as the data is meaningless without other factors ie is bluetooth on/off, Do you use 2G or 3G, searching for 3G seems to take a lot of power. How many voice calls do you make - I dont make any during the day, how much txts? ..the list goes on ....

Jedi - surely Its "on" average not "in" average

..anyway my battery lasts through the day and I charge it ever night.

paai 2010-11-10 11:49

Re: N900 battery life in your daily use.
I am *not* a heavy user in terms of webpages visited, phonecalls and so on. WIFI is on half of the time (when I am at home). Bluetooth is always on.

I find that in such circumstances, on PR 1.3, my battery life extends to two days.


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