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toxaris 2010-11-11 07:49

[OVI Store] Jurassic 3D Rollercoaster Rush has arrived

Will try install right away.

F2thaK 2010-11-11 07:52

Re: [OVI Store] Jurassic 3D Rollercoaster Rush has arrived
bout friggin' time !!

toxaris 2010-11-11 07:56

Re: [OVI Store] Jurassic 3D Rollercoaster Rush has arrived
Yepp, lets hope it works good also.

amjad489 2010-11-11 09:42

Re: [OVI Store] Jurassic 3D Rollercoaster Rush has arrived
Just bought the game and downloaded, but when application manager launches and it asks me to install. after pressing continue it is saying incompatible package......

Can anyone please help me on this............


zehjotkah 2010-11-11 10:50

Re: [OVI Store] Jurassic 3D Rollercoaster Rush has arrived

Originally Posted by amjad489 (Post 870117)
Just bought the game and downloaded, but when application manager launches and it asks me to install. after pressing continue it is saying incompatible package......

Can anyone please help me on this............


long press on the download link, save target.
then rename the .html file to .deb
then open with application manager or install with dpkg.

ing005 2010-11-11 15:55

Re: [OVI Store] Jurassic 3D Rollercoaster Rush has arrived
still lagggggg

taril 2010-11-11 16:41

Re: [OVI Store] Jurassic 3D Rollercoaster Rush has arrived
Turn off wifi/bluetooth!
This bug is still exested since the first fw release...

OVK 2010-11-11 17:47

Re: [OVI Store] Jurassic 3D Rollercoaster Rush has arrived
Seems to lock processor to maximum frequency for the whole time the game is running (checked with Conky). Does someone else have the same? I have Kernel Power v40 and overclocking to 850 with ideal settings enabled.

sony123 2010-11-11 22:40

Re: [OVI Store] Jurassic 3D Rollercoaster Rush has arrived
Demo version is less laggy and loads way faster than full version on my device. The loading consistently takes closer to 1 min. For whatever reason, the lag occur less the more I play the game.

The game take 100% CPU when running that's why the CPU freq is locked at max.

taril 2010-11-14 09:15

Re: [OVI Store] Jurassic 3D Rollercoaster Rush has arrived
1 Attachment(s)
I've just ordered it, it is fast as Lite version, There r some bugs, I'll report them.

The levels are so easy, do don’t have to use break. Am at level 9.
Very idiot game. Boring...

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