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lanwellon 2010-11-18 00:55

One BIG Difference between Maemo 5 and MeeGo
After posting several posts here,

I feel that Maemo 5 is very advanced on many aspects.

More like a desktop OS.

What I see about MeeGo is that MeeGo came to look like Android/iPhone.

Symbian-3 could provide good portrait support even with widgets on the home screen. Because NOKIA orgnized the widgets as modules and limit the customization.

For Maemo 5, you can do more customization.

From the UI aspect, I find that MeeGo can provide better portrait support. Maemo cannot do this because in Maemo you can cusomize you

Maemo is one step ahead the iOS/Android.

iPhone/Android is still defined as a phone.

In Maemo, you can decide where to put the icon/widgets/contacts

on anywhere on the desktop.


I think NOKIA made this change based on the market research result. Maybe the result is that more than 90 percent customers like a phone, not a internet tablet like N900.

So Nokia decide to make MeeGo to be more like a phone OS.

But what I want to say is that as a phone OS, Android/iOS is several steps ahead. More apps, more developers.

wmarone 2010-11-18 01:12

Re: One BIG Difference between Maemo 5 and MeeGo

Originally Posted by lanwellon (Post 876634)
I feel that Maemo 5 is very advanced on many aspects.

More like a desktop OS.

Which is awesome for gadget and computer geeks that like to tinker. Not so much for everyone else, as the market littered with unsuccessful tablets that ran Windows goes to show, along with the bashing WM6.5 and the like got.


What I see about MeeGo is that MeeGo came to look like Android/iPhone.
Well, it is the Handset UX after all. Keep in mind that, moreso than Maemo 5, we can customize MeeGo. Load a different window manager and desktop environment and you're good to go.


But what I want to say is that as a phone OS, Android/iOS is several steps ahead. More apps, more developers.
Which is a function of time, they did not appear overnight. And this is why Qt is being leveraged, the Qt SDK is on par with other development SDKs. The MeeGo SDK needs work, but already the availability of QEMU environments is at least on par with what Android offers, and things are only getting better.

fahadj2003 2010-11-18 01:19

Re: One BIG Difference between Maemo 5 and MeeGo
this thread is a fail
like MANY others
he's jus here to get his post liked
i mean cmon
isnt what he stated kinda obvious? should be for questions strictly
even so, ppl dont search and i saw 3 threads with same issue
i hope to see tmo on failblog soon

NvyUs 2010-11-18 01:22

Re: One BIG Difference between Maemo 5 and MeeGo
dont be judging MeeGo by looking at MeeGo reference UX, b/c end user products released by device makers will have there own UI on top in most cases. And if we still go by what we knew about Harmattan, then Nokia MeeGo will have home screen widgets and panable desktop

xtian 2010-11-18 01:33

Re: One BIG Difference between Maemo 5 and MeeGo

Originally Posted by fahadj2003 (Post 876647)
this thread is a fail
like MANY others
he's jus here to get his post liked
i mean cmon
isnt what he stated kinda obvious? should be for questions strictly
even so, ppl dont search and i saw 3 threads with same issue
i hope to see tmo on failblog soon

Lol, quite entertaining. Can you click "Thanks" for me? Thanks! :p

NvyUs 2010-11-18 01:55

Re: One BIG Difference between Maemo 5 and MeeGo
extract from Nokia's MeeGo Banana and Pairs Wiki document

Widget Space

"The ‘Widget Space’ is a customized area where users can add/edit their widgets.

The user can find the widget space by flicking vertically from the switcher. Once the user is within the space, they can horizontally scroll to view multiple areas for widgets.

Widget Widgets are a way of providing quick access to surfaced content and functionality. Widgets should be snappy, bite-sized pieces of content and should not be confused with applications.

Please refer to the ‘Designing your Widget’ section for more information on Widgets. "

NokTokDaddy 2010-11-18 06:59

Re: One BIG Difference between Maemo 5 and MeeGo

Originally Posted by lanwellon (Post 876634)

In Maemo, you can decide where to put the icon/widgets/contacts

on anywhere on the desktop.


Yes. And No!

If a Maemo desktop widget has autorotation built in (like DigiClock) it can mess up screen layout when flipping to portrait.

On Symbian, widgets are assigned to 'blocks' that have corresponding positions on portait/landscape so things do not become a jumbled mess on rotation.

With SPB MobileShell for Symbian you CAN position widgets pretty much where you want them in both portrait AND landscape modes. My X6 is now almost as customisable (for the basics at least) as my N900, but you are limited to SPB's choice of widgets.

SPB Mobile Shell is available across several platforms now - does anyone have any experience of how this works on other devices?

Personally I'm not bothered about portrait mode on N900 homescreen & menus, but autorotation within apps is immensely useful to me and I await current current community efforts to achieve this in Modest, etc with great interest.

ossipena 2010-11-18 07:02

Re: One BIG Difference between Maemo 5 and MeeGo
I didn't get the point.

lot of words yes but nothing more.

lunat 2010-11-18 07:05

Re: One BIG Difference between Maemo 5 and MeeGo
whats about letting the individual user decide which windowmanager to use?

Originally Posted by NokTokDaddy (Post 876784)
Yes. And No!

If a Maemo desktop widget has autorotation built in (like DigiClock) it can mess up screen layout when flipping to portrait.

On Symbian, widgets are assigned to 'blocks' that have corresponding positions on portait/landscape so things do not become a jumbled mess on rotation.

With SPB MobileShell for Symbian you CAN position widgets pretty much where you want them in both portrait AND landscape modes. My X6 is now almost as customisable (for the basics at least) as my N900, but you are limited to SPB's choice of widgets.

SPB Mobile Shell is available across several platforms now - does anyone have any experience of how this works on other devices?

Personally I'm not bothered about portrait mode on N900 homescreen & menus, but autorotation within apps is immensely useful to me and I await current current community efforts to achieve this in Modest, etc with great interest.

NokTokDaddy 2010-11-18 07:15

Re: One BIG Difference between Maemo 5 and MeeGo

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 876785)
I didn't get the point.

lot of words yes but nothing more.

Very few words...

In fact so few I don't know if you are addressing my own, the OP or others in this thread.

If you were addressing me, I was pointing out to the OP that widget placement customisation on the homescreen is possible through SPB Mobile Shell and therefore may be possible on other OS's.

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