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efekt 2010-11-21 16:17

Help me find the cause for an extreme battery drainage :)
Hi all, first thing first - I tried searching the forum for someone with a similar problem as I'm having, but found no one (at least, no one that used to have good battery life and suddenly doesn't).
As for my problem - for 10 days I'm experiencing a very odd situation that I can only describe as an extreme battery drainage - I used to have a very good battery life (before and after updating to PR 1.3) while lately my battery won't last for more than 7 or 8 hours, even without any use of the device...
I have some screenshots taken by the excellent BatteryGraph application, which shows this dire situation I'm having - this is showing the situation as it was about 12 days ago (9th Nov):

And this is how it looks these days:

As you can see, this is an extremely disproportional behavior of the battery. This is the same battery as I had used before, I did not install anything really new since then, did not change and/or meddled with settings, and did not use my device in any different way than I used to.
  • I have two batteries and they both "behave" the same (e.g drain REALLY fast).
  • I tried charging both of the batteries with an external charger, but still they drain fast while being used.
  • I tried reflashing my device (not eMMC though, only firmware) but it didn't help.
  • WiFi/BT are of course turned off (and even if they didn't - this does not explain why without changing the way I use my N900 I used to have a battery which could last for more than a day, and now for no more than 8 hours).
If anyone can come up with a good solution for this, I'd really appreciate the help (else, I'd probably try to reflash my device including the eMMC) :)

P.S - I used to have another battery problem, though now its kinda solved by itself so I don't think its relevant, though it is worth mentioning in this context...

Thanks for the help in advance...

aQUICK1 2010-11-21 16:30

Re: Help me find the cause for an extreme battery drainage :)
Same problem here after firmware update ,( using 2 bat ) only 1 difference is that it not always drains fast as ur N900 , and aslo not found solution yet , will leave a msg if i have found solution for this bug ;)

scyzor 2010-11-21 16:50

Re: Help me find the cause for an extreme battery drainage :)
There's probably something eating your CPU. Run 'top' or 'htop'. Install if needed.

slender 2010-11-21 17:00

Re: Help me find the cause for an extreme battery drainage :)

To install powertop IIRC:
-Enable devel repository (normal warnings apply)
- With root:
apt-get update
apt-get install powertop
apt-get clean
- Disable devel repository.
- Run powertop

PMaff 2010-11-21 17:21

Re: Help me find the cause for an extreme battery drainage :)

Originally Posted by efekt (Post 879574)
And this is how it looks these days:

As you can see, this is an extremely disproportional behavior of the battery.

Afair violett is CPU.

There seems to be constant CPU usage with peaks around 4:00
and at 6:00.
What does "top" in this case say?

On desktop :
top -b -i > output.file
works but on N900
it only works with
top -b > outputfile
and produces a bit too much output.

efekt 2010-11-21 17:29

Re: Help me find the cause for an extreme battery drainage :)

Originally Posted by slender (Post 879617)

To install powertop IIRC:
-Enable devel repository (normal warnings apply)
- With root:
apt-get update
apt-get install powertop
apt-get clean
- Disable devel repository.
- Run powertop

Thanks slender, but I knew I forgot something - I already tried using powertop and htop, but still could not find the cause for this problem.
Besides, as you can see from the screenshots, the problem is unlikely because of something which uses CPU, as in the screenshot where everything was fine (the first one) you could see a high CPU usage but still with a very low impact on battery drainage (I'd lose around 10% battery each 4 hours), while in the second screenshot you can clearly see that even with a relatively unexisting CPU usage, the battery would drain in a rate of 10%-12% an hour...
Though if you could still figure stuff better than me from the powertop application's output, I would post the results here. Just say the word :)


Originally Posted by PMaff (Post 879632)
Afair violett is CPU.

There seems to be constant CPU usage with peaks around 4:00
and at 6:00.
What does "top" in this case say?

On desktop :
top -b -i > output.file
works but on N900
it only works with
top -b > outputfile
and produces a bit too much output.

I have no idea what it was doing around 4:00 as I was probably asleep :)
Maybe its spying on me while I'm unaware of that? :eek:

Anyways, as I wrote to slender - those CPU 'peaks' (and you're right, the violet is CPU) should still not drain the battery that much...

slender 2010-11-21 19:43

Re: Help me find the cause for an extreme battery drainage :)
With powertop you see also processes that wake up cpu in idle state. It's not all about cpu percentage but how often cpu is awaken also one of biggest battery drainers for me was wlan driver in first firmwares, but it has been since fixed.

And IMO your idle state cpu usage is huge in comparison to mine (almost none, read wiki and threads about "normal" cpu usage when you are running on bare minimum load/settings/apps). On the other hand I do not use any online activity apps when idle.

The best way to start looking for answers is IMO always to turn off everything and start starting stuff gradually and see how it effects to whole system. And if bare minimum state is still draining then it might be time to flash emmc+rootfs and not restore same apps that were before.

IIRC Powertop shows also some IRQ activity stats.

slender 2010-11-21 19:57

Re: Help me find the cause for an extreme battery drainage :)
You said that you haven installed anything new but have you UPDATED anything.

scyzor 2010-11-21 20:25

Re: Help me find the cause for an extreme battery drainage :)
I thought the same thing. What conserves battery is your processor being in idle. It rarely goes idle in your graph. Do you know which process is producing this constant usage ?

efekt 2010-11-21 20:39

Re: Help me find the cause for an extreme battery drainage :)

Originally Posted by slender (Post 879738)
You said that you haven installed anything new but have you UPDATED anything.

Hmmm not sure I updated anything significant besides maybe the power-kernels (which I uninstalled [correctly] after witnessing the drainage).
Anyways - this is what powertop says:


status: Unknown job: pmtrackerdaemon
Powertop 1.13.3
Sleeping for 11 seconds before sampling
Collecting data for 30 seconds
Sample interval was 00m 30s 17608us

C#      | Ratio  | Avg/dura | Frequency | Ratio
    C0 |  32.0% |          |  600 MHz |  7.2% |
    C1 |  0.3% |    0.3ms |  550 MHz |  0.9% |
    C2 |  9.6% |    4.0ms |  500 MHz |  10.0% |
    C3 |  11.2% |  37.7ms |  250 MHz |  81.9% |
    C4 |  46.8% |  114.2ms |

IRQ#    | Activity  | Type          | Name
    12 |      2063 |          INTC | DMA
    86 |      1591 |          INTC | mmc1
    37 |      1408 |          INTC | gp
    67 |      1362 |          INTC | ssi_p1_mpu_irq0
    71 |        547 |          INTC | ssi_gdd
    311 |        542 |          GPIO | ssi_p1_cawake_gpio
    11 |        452 |          INTC | prcm
    56 |        304 |          INTC | i2c_omap
    57 |        38 |          INTC | i2c_omap
    225 |        19 |          GPIO | omap2-onenand

PID#    | Activity  | Name          | Function Entry (Expire)
      0 |      1223 |  <kernel core> | tick_nohz_restart_sched_tick (tick_sched_timer)
      0 |        166 |  <kernel core> | hrtimer_start (tick_sched_timer)
    619 |        90 |          mmcqd | cfq_completed_request (cfq_idle_slice_timer)
    37 |        75D|            awk | cpufreq_governor_dbs (delayed_work_timer_fn)
    619 |        14 |          mmcqd | queue_delayed_work (delayed_work_timer_fn)
    619 |          8 |          mmcqd | schedule_timeout (process_timeout)
    745 |          6 |      bme_RX-51 | sys_timer_settime (posix_timer_fn)
    708 |          6 |          dsme | __enqueue_rt_entity (sched_rt_period_timer)
    15 |          5 |        kswapd0 | schedule_timeout (process_timeout)
    803 |          4 |            mce | tsc2005_start_scan (tsc2005_esd_timer_handler)
      1 |          3 |  <kernel core> | queue_delayed_work (delayed_work_timer_fn)
    15 |          3 |        kswapd0 | blk_plug_device (blk_unplug_timeout)
    10 |          3 |    omap2_mcspi | neigh_add_timer (neigh_timer_handler)
      0 |          2 |  <kernel core> | queue_delayed_work (delayed_work_timer_fn)
    745 |          2 |      bme_RX-51 | sys_timer_settime (posix_timer_fn)
    745 |          2 |      bme_RX-51 | do_nanosleep (hrtimer_wakeup)
    745 |          2 |      bme_RX-51 | schedule_timeout (process_timeout)
  1206 |          2 | hildon-desktop | schedule_hrtimeout_range (hrtimer_wakeup)
    708 |          2 |          dsme | do_nanosleep (hrtimer_wakeup)
    29 |          2 |          mount | setup_wb_timer (wb_timer_fn)
    823 |          2 |      gconfd-2 | ubifs_wbuf_write_nolock (wbuf_timer_callback_nolock)
  1544 |          1 |osso-addressboo | schedule_hrtimeout_range (hrtimer_wakeup)
  2175 |          1 |e-addressbook-f | futex_wait (hrtimer_wakeup)
    800 |          1 |          ohmd | schedule_hrtimeout_range (hrtimer_wakeup)
    915 |          1 | hald-addon-bme | schedule_hrtimeout_range (hrtimer_wakeup)
  2177 |          1 |e-addressbook-f | futex_wait (hrtimer_wakeup)
  2179 |          1 |e-addressbook-f | futex_wait (hrtimer_wakeup)
  2176 |          1 |e-addressbook-f | futex_wait (hrtimer_wakeup)
  2178 |          1 |e-addressbook-f | futex_wait (hrtimer_wakeup)
  1277 |          1 |  BatteryGraphd | journal_get_write_access (commit_timeout)
    823 |          1 |      gconfd-2 | schedule_hrtimeout_range (hrtimer_wakeup)
  1197 |          1 |hildon-status-m | schedule_hrtimeout_range (hrtimer_wakeup)
  1105 |          1 |          iphbd | schedule_hrtimeout_range (hrtimer_wakeup)
  2169 |          1 |      powertop | do_nanosleep (hrtimer_wakeup)

Power domain activity breakdown
Domain  | % of time spent in states
usbhost |OFF: 100%|RET:  0%|INA:  0%| ON:  0%| now:(OFF)
    sgx |OFF: 100%|RET:  0%|INA:  0%| ON:  0%| now:(OFF)
    per |OFF:  57%|RET:  9%|INA:  0%| ON:  32%| now:(ON)
    dss |OFF: 100%|RET:  0%|INA:  0%| ON:  0%| now:(OFF)
    cam |OFF: 100%|RET:  0%|INA:  0%| ON:  0%| now:(OFF)
  core |OFF:  46%|RET:  11%|INA:  1%| ON:  40%| now:(ON)
  neon |OFF:  46%|RET:  11%|INA:  9%| ON:  32%| now:(ON)
    mpu |OFF:  46%|RET:  11%|INA:  9%| ON:  32%| now:(ON)
  iva2 |OFF: 100%|RET:  0%|INA:  0%| ON:  0%| now:(OFF)

Clock activity breakdown at end of period
Domain  | Active clocks
  core |          SDRC | HSOTGUSB_IDLE |      OMAPCTRL
        |    MAILBOXES |
  wkup |          GPT1 |      32KSYNC |        GPIO1
        |          WDT1 |
  ckgen |          CORE |          PERI |          96M
        |          48M |          12M |          54M
        |      EMU_CORE |
    per |        GPIO2 |        GPIO3 |        GPIO4
        |        GPIO5 |        GPIO6 |

Total wakeups  9961, 332.0/s | IRQ 8326, 277.5/s | Timers 1635,  54.5/s
HW wakeups      196,  6.5/s |    Real gp_timers expired  128,  4.3/s

If you can gather anything significant out of it (besides the basic stuff I gathered from the explanation provided in powertop's wiki page) - then be my guest :)


Originally Posted by scyzor (Post 879757)
I thought the same thing. What conserves battery is your processor being in idle. It rarely goes idle in your graph. Do you know which process is producing this constant usage ?

Nope, have no idea... Well, I think I got it once while taking a look at top, but I'm not sure it was it: /usr/bin/hildon-status-menu and /usr/bin/hildon-desktop

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