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lanwellon 2010-11-23 08:26

Why N900 failed on consumer market ?
Just wondering the reason.

N900 (Maemo 5) had great UI.

Not worse than iPhone/Android, IMO.

So, why the sales data looks so disappointing...

Just because Maemo 5 is not a phone OS and the consumer cannot accept such a big progress ?

I can only see this reason.

Because both iOS and Android are phone OS,
And, MeeGo, what Nokia is working hard on, is also going to be a phone OS, so my conclusion is phone OS with great UI and many good Apps will succeed.

Symbian is not that successful because the UI of Symbian is far more old-fashioned comparing to iOS/Android.

Is that right ?

lanwellon 2010-11-23 08:32

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Symbian^3 cannot provide great UI because of the limitation of the system.

But MeeGo can do this.

if MeeGo is going to be a Phone OS for N9,

then it is trying to imitate iOS/Android.

iOS/Android is 3 years ahead,

If MeeGo is just a duplication of Android, and 3 years behind,

I can barely see the chance that Nokia will finally win the market back.

lanwellon 2010-11-23 08:37

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?
I am always thinking that Android/iOS is one step ahead Symbian,

and Maemo is one step ahead iOS/Android (thus, Maemo is 2 steps ahead Symbian).

Most consumers can only accept the one step ahead, not 2 steps.

Maybe they will accept Maemo 5 several years later, but not now.

(Just like Microsoft Vista, people do not accept at first, but they can accept Windows 7 several years later)

So what Nokia is doing now is just one step backward, and trying to do what Apple and Google did 3 years ago.

Is it right ?

I think Nokia should optimize the Maemo 5 and wait the customer to accept this ''2 steps ahead'', not trying to copy Android / iPhone.

Anyone has the same idea ?

jerryfreak 2010-11-23 08:42

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?
who said it failed? its a geek toy and was never intended for the masses.

ps, you will go insane if you keep talking to yourself

lanwellon 2010-11-23 08:50

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by jerryfreak (Post 880880)
who said it failed? its a geek toy and was never intended for the masses.

ps, you will go insane if you keep talking to yourself

just separated my thread into 3 ... LOL

You mean N900 did not get a good sales number just because NOKIA did not want to ?

lma 2010-11-23 08:51

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by lanwellon (Post 880872)
So, why the sales data looks so disappointing...

What sales data?

toxaris 2010-11-23 08:51

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?
On of the biggest reasons why some potential geeks didnt buy N900 was the lack of applications.
So the biggest reason to buy N900 back then was the hardware that was way ahead of all Androids and compairable with Iphone 3GS.
But if you didnt have need for a desent camera, 32gb and FM transmitter then there was no reason to buy N900, due to the unknown future for N900.
And as to day, we can see that the application explosion didnt happen for N900 as it did for Android.
N900 is still a geek phone, and it the geekphone above all. I like it!

jedi 2010-11-23 08:52

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?
Personally, I don't give a monkeys if it's "failed in the consumer market" or not.

I've got a great phone/mobile computer and a great community here, so what's the problem?

IzzehO 2010-11-23 09:00

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?

Originally Posted by jedi (Post 880890)
Personally, I don't give a monkeys if it's "failed in the consumer market" or not.

I've got a great phone/mobile computer and a great community here, so what's the problem?

The problem is if it wasn't a success, they'll try and change it for the next time round and screw it up :( Can you imagine the next step being an onscreen keyboard, no FM transmitter, capacitive screen and all about form factor like the crappy N8?

I can't and refuse to =/

geneven 2010-11-23 09:01

Re: Why N900 failed on consumer market ?
I'm not a phone expert.

When did Nokia successfully market a high-end, premium-priced cult phone?

I think they don't know how to do it.

Nokia abandoned the tablet/reader market just as it was getting hot.

What if they had released something like the iPad before Apple? Then, after the iPad, released NTablet Two?

I think they would have had a significant success.

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