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freemangordon 2010-11-24 20:58

[ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support - extmou
... and here it is - support for Bluetooth/USB mouse attached to n900

FUNCTIONALITY - fixes broken mouse support in evdev driver. Shows cursor when mouse is connected and hides it when disconnected.

INSTALLATION - enable Extras Development repository and install Mouse Support if using Application Manager. If using CLI package name is extmou. This installs xserver-xorg-input-evdev-mouse and libxmuu1 packages too.

You have to restart your n900 after installation so updated evdev driver to be activated

You should remove bt-hid-scripts and Patched mouse driver packages (if installed) before installation, otherwise it will fail.

CONFIGURATION - no configuration is needed.

WARNING - usual warnings for using software from extras-devel apply. You've been warned :) .

UNINSTALLATION - using Application Manager

NOTE - current version of h-e-n does not detect device removal, so if you just close h-e-n with mouse attached, the cursor will remain visible. A workaround procedure is:

1. disconnect mouse
2. press enumerate

NOTE2 - if your bluetooth mouse pairs and connects ok, but stops working after a while you may try to install kernel-power v46 or above. It has a patch which most probably will help you to solve the problem.

leojab 2010-11-25 06:00

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support
wow.. it works just great.. i had been waiting for a simplified solution like this. the mouse cursor disappears when the bluetooth mouse is disconnected. nice
i just have following issues:
1. text selection not available using mouse in leafpad
2. scrolling not available in microb browser

thanks freeman and others involved in this bluetooth mouse support project

freemangordon 2010-11-25 06:54

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support
Yes, microb just don't like mice :D

re leafpad - maybe you should ask its maintainer or file a bug

F2thaK 2010-11-25 07:11

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support
sweeeeeeeet cant wait to try

MohammadAG 2010-11-25 09:46

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support
I'll add auto enumeration after the application is closed (and I might add a signal that's sent to system dbus at each h-e-n event)

anyg 2010-11-25 10:33

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support
Hello !

Great work (both h-e-n team & freemangordon) !

h-e-n works
extkbd works (tested with 5 different usb-keyboards & nokia su-8w)

but I am a bit confused regarding bt mouse:

Do I have to install the following ....


.... prior to install your Mouse Support package?

If the previous two routines were installed do i have to cleanup those beforehand?

Many thanks for your efforts !

PS. I have removed bt-hid-scripts DS.


Removed the routines above .....
..... and Installed Mouse Support package - Everything ok !

freemangordon 2010-11-25 10:47

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support
Not sure what those packages contain, but most probably yes, you have to remove them.

lifenexus 2010-11-25 10:50

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support
Any fix for the scrolling? Can it be fixed?

freemangordon 2010-11-25 11:01

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support
You mean in microb? No way, sorry, tablet-browser-ui is closed source. Or at least it is out of my competence

lifenexus 2010-11-25 11:03

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Mouse Support

Originally Posted by freemangordon (Post 882859)
You mean in microb? No way, sorry, tablet-browser-ui is closed source. Or at least it is out of my competence

oh. but how does this browser affect only microb? Is there a way to do some changes in the driver it self?

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