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benh_n900 2010-11-25 09:54

Copying/Synchronizing Contacts from n900 to Android
Hi all,

I have just been given an HTC Desire by a customer and I want to copy or even sync my contacts between my n900 (which will keep my sim) and the Desire (which has a new sim).

Copying will be enough, it's just getting those initial ones over, but synchronizing them would be even better :)

Has anyone tried this/have any recommendations/suggestions? If there's nothing around, I might have a stab at the n900 coding part if there's a known android app to read them in.



afaq 2010-11-25 10:01

Re: Copying/Synchronizing Contacts from n900 to Android
If its running 2.2. I know HTC have a phone sync/switch over app. You pick your model (by Brand) and it allows you to sync data over. Not sure if N900 would be supported (as if anything supports N900!) but give that a go. Other method is to export your contacts from the N900 address book to vcf files and then import them manually from the Desire. Either using the memory card or USB connect etc.

petur 2010-11-25 11:34

Re: Copying/Synchronizing Contacts from n900 to Android
or easier: set up a google account, sync your contacts to that, then pull them back in from there on the android phone...

lunat 2010-11-25 11:42

Re: Copying/Synchronizing Contacts from n900 to Android
if it is just extracting adsresses:
osso-addressbook-backup -e contacts.vcard
is your friend. is a vcard file so somehow standard(cr lineendings..).

edit: if you want it the other way round and import: -i .


Originally Posted by benh_n900 (Post 882796)
Hi all,

I have just been given an HTC Desire by a customer and I want to copy or even sync my contacts between my n900 (which will keep my sim) and the Desire (which has a new sim).

Copying will be enough, it's just getting those initial ones over, but synchronizing them would be even better :)

Has anyone tried this/have any recommendations/suggestions? If there's nothing around, I might have a stab at the n900 coding part if there's a known android app to read them in.



etuoyo 2010-11-25 11:58

Re: Copying/Synchronizing Contacts from n900 to Android

Originally Posted by petur (Post 882880)
or easier: set up a google account, sync your contacts to that, then pull them back in from there on the android phone...

How do you sync to google contacts? I know you can import from google talk but how do you do it the other way round (n900 to google)?

anandv76 2010-11-25 12:00

Re: Copying/Synchronizing Contacts from n900 to Android

Originally Posted by afaq (Post 882803)
If its running 2.2. I know HTC have a phone sync/switch over app. You pick your model (by Brand) and it allows you to sync data over. Not sure if N900 would be supported (as if anything supports N900!) but give that a go. Other method is to export your contacts from the N900 address book to vcf files and then import them manually from the Desire. Either using the memory card or USB connect etc.

doesnt work with the n900, as it is not supported.

benh_n900 2010-11-25 15:17

Re: Copying/Synchronizing Contacts from n900 to Android
In the end I just exported contacts from the gui. There was an error when I tried it with vcard 3, but 2 worked fine, although I got a bunch of unknown blank contacts, a couple with facebook profile pics :)

It's interesting comparing the two devices. The HTC is a far superior phone (I've been suffering from n900 problems with auto rotate and answering/ending calls, plus missing SMS and missed call notifications due to unnoticed screen freezes), but the n900 is the only one that's really a computer, plus the hardware keyboard makes a big difference for me :)

Straycat 2010-11-25 15:40

Re: Copying/Synchronizing Contacts from n900 to Android

Originally Posted by petur (Post 882880)
or easier: set up a google account, sync your contacts to that, then pull them back in from there on the android phone...

I wonder if you have managed to do what you suggest by yourself??

Crashdamage 2010-11-25 16:10

Re: Copying/Synchronizing Contacts from n900 to Android

Originally Posted by benh_n900 (Post 882796)
I want to copy or even sync my contacts between my n900 and the Desire...If there's nothing around, I might have a stab at the n900 coding part if there's a known android app to read them in.

No need to reinvent the wheel. Just go to Contacts, open the menu, hit 'Get Contacts' and you have several choices. But I have no idea if 'Synchronize from another device' option will work.

When I got rid of Android I just imported a vcf file extracted from my Google account addresses to the N900. To go the opposite way just export a vcf2.1 or vcf3.0 file from the N900 and transfer it via Bluetooth, USB or Google to the HTC and import it.

atz6975 2011-05-02 09:58

Re: Copying/Synchronizing Contacts from n900 to Android
I thought of using this thread because I also want to transfer from N900 to Android.
What I found out is that VCF export DOESN'T work if the contact doesn't have "name" info.
I was wondering if there was a solution to "really" export all contacts to VCF. I saw a script from Nicolai but I'm not so sure how to use this in my case.
Any ideas?


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