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enceladus47 2010-11-29 00:43

ruined something minor in mce
While playing with mce.ini led patterns I've mistakingly written a letter in the ScreenOn place for e-mail notification and saved. The LED stopped responding for mails but still works for everything else.

Tried fixing it by returning the original value, and even restored the original mce but the LED notification won't work for e-mails.

So what should I try doing next? :)

jd4200 2010-11-29 01:16

Re: ruined something minor in mce
In settings > Nofification light, is e-mail ticked?

blue_led 2010-11-29 01:17

Re: ruined something minor in mce
settings > notifiation light > email

enceladus47 2010-11-29 01:38

Re: ruined something minor in mce
Was trying to solve it via mce that i ignored the most basic way :)

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