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lanwellon 2010-12-03 10:38

Is there a way to disable the 'Flip to Silence' function in N900 ?
I had got N900 for more than 6 months now and recently I just found that there is a function on this device : If I flip the device when a call incoming, then it will go to silence, just like a feature in HTC SenceUI.

After some search on internet, I found that many Nokia phones have thhis feature. especially business phones :E71, E72, X6, 5800, N8, C7, etc.

My question now is whether I can disable this function ?

Because sometime I take the phone out of my pocket and it come into silence mode and the screen is locked automatically.

In E71, this function can be disabled. (adjustable)

Any command ?


quingu 2010-12-03 13:53

Re: Is there a way to disable the 'Flip to Silence' function in N900 ?
What the ...? I could have sworn that option is easily accessable and that I have disabled it on my N900, but I'm completely at a loss here now. Uncanny.

amritpal2489 2010-12-03 14:40

Re: Is there a way to disable the 'Flip to Silence' function in N900 ?
yeah.. i also need to disable it..

nicolai 2010-12-06 11:30

Re: Is there a way to disable the 'Flip to Silence' function in N900 ?
No -> Bug 10011 - N900 stops ringing because of accidentially flipping it

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