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vamsi 2010-12-05 09:09

Installing software update - phone stuck

the phone is stuck at a white screen on startup and displaying installing software update please do not interrupt. 3%. the whole night i waited for it to update but it dint... and as mentioned in other thread i tried to flash it as per the instructions but it goes nowhere. its just shows the same screen with installing software update.. and nothing happens.. (and pc command line it just displays suitable USB device not found, waiting).:(

can somebody help??

bronek13 2010-12-06 11:58

Re: Installing software update - phone stuck

have same problem on 12% :D

There is a cure YOU MUST :P replace battery with charged battery, Problem is your battery is runned dry, and when you connect USB your phone starts update but hang on 3% AND DONT CHARGE!! This is important!! And when you put charged battery HOLD U and connect USB the MAGIC Usb ICON APEARS and you can flash anything :D So don't worry I've got same problem and i have Ressurected my phone! :D

quingu 2011-01-15 11:34

Re: Installing software update - phone stuck
That worked perfectly. Thanks a ton.

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