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coldwayz 2010-12-14 03:52

Multiboot issue with Nitdroid
So I recently followed the directions to put Nitdroid on my n900 internal memory, and sadly, I ended up rebooting to a choice of only booting Nitdroid.
Pressing 0 makes it do this:

Maemo (default)


Kernel: 2.6.28-omap1

Can't flash kernel, required files not found
Guru Meditation #00000025.62017712

Press any key to Panic!

Then obviously, I do press any key, and bam. back to the multiboot screen.

What do I do, other than a full reflash?

Thanks in advance :)

coldwayz 2010-12-14 07:28

Re: Multiboot issue with Nitdroid
I also tried sticking it into Windows 7 to flash it, and it didn't work. (came up with "device disconnected" after I plugged it in while holding u)

This is what I did:
Install the flasher:

Download the kernel into the program files/maemo/flasher 3.5 (or whatever files is there:

Then, plug in your device. if you get my error during driver installation, get this, and install it, and plug in the device before running it. it will create an alternate driver for windows to use:

once you've done that, open the flasher, and run the following command (replace the bit in bold with your version of the maemo):
flasher-3.5 -F RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin --flash-only=kernel -f -R

that's it! you should be able to go in to maemo after pressing 0!

hope that helps people.

Switch_ 2010-12-14 08:25

Re: Multiboot issue with Nitdroid
Useful post mate, thanks. I installed NITdriod and didn't come across that issue - the pain for me was to get OC'ing back up and running in Maemo

jimmybonsaville 2010-12-14 12:10

Re: Multiboot issue with Nitdroid
haha this is crazy. I had the EXACT problem installing last night!! i panicked and had to spend a few hours on google trying to fix. Ended up just reflashing my phone which wasnt too happy about lol

So i take it Nitdroid really isnt ready yet. I followed the instructions exactly and checked and double checked aswell

gill_za 2010-12-14 19:27

Re: Multiboot issue with Nitdroid

Originally Posted by Switch_ (Post 896461)
Useful post mate, thanks. I installed NITdriod and didn't come across that issue - the pain for me was to get OC'ing back up and running in Maemo

Could you elaborate on that? I'm having the same issue with overclocking and not sure how to proceed without breaking anything.

sepehrsfmech 2010-12-14 19:47

Re: Multiboot issue with Nitdroid
you know that there is an autoinstaller for nitdroid 0.8?

gill_za 2010-12-14 19:51

Re: Multiboot issue with Nitdroid

Originally Posted by sepehrsfmech (Post 896820)
you know that there is an autoinstaller for nitdroid 0.8?

whose post are commenting?

coldwayz 2010-12-15 00:38

Re: Multiboot issue with Nitdroid

Originally Posted by sepehrsfmech (Post 896820)
you know that there is an autoinstaller for nitdroid 0.8?

the autoinstaller is slow over 3g. (and unless I'm wrong, only installs to the external memory, which is slow)

hawaii 2010-12-15 01:12

Re: Multiboot issue with Nitdroid
You only needed to flash the stock kernel to fix this, FWIW.

coldwayz 2010-12-15 02:02

Re: Multiboot issue with Nitdroid

Originally Posted by hawaii (Post 897059)
You only needed to flash the stock kernel to fix this, FWIW.

oddly enough, after flashing to the stock kernel after my issue with multiboot, I am unable to overclock!

I tried going to the application manager to install the enhanced kernel- and the corresponding settings package, then rebooting- nothing.

tried doing this in xterm, nothing:
apt-get install kernel-power=2.6.28-maemo43 kernel-power-modules=2.6.28-maemo43 kernel-power-flasher=2.6.28-maemo43

What's up? Anyone else having this issue?

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