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sepehrsfmech 2010-12-14 18:54

prevent the n900 headphone slipping off?
the earphone that came with nokia n900 is slipping from my ears.....

anyone has a tip for that?

jd4200 2010-12-14 18:55

Re: prevent the n900 headphone slipping off?

sepehrsfmech 2010-12-14 18:56

Re: prevent the n900 headphone slipping off?
its annoying how for a second its in my ear then it suddenly falls

Radicalz38 2010-12-14 18:57

Re: prevent the n900 headphone slipping off?
did you try changing it's plug size? Maybe it's not fitted for your ear? It has the optional size for a reason after all.

sepehrsfmech 2010-12-14 19:11

Re: prevent the n900 headphone slipping off?
woah woah what size?
i didnt know i could change the size on those earphones

luiscesjr 2010-12-14 19:11

Re: prevent the n900 headphone slipping off?
You know, it's a J earplug, you must put the longest part behind your head,
and then you can even run with it that it musn't fall...

Radicalz38 2010-12-14 19:29

Re: prevent the n900 headphone slipping off?

Originally Posted by sepehrsfmech (Post 896782)
woah woah what size?
i didnt know i could change the size on those earphones

Eh? Don't say nokia provides different earphone on n900? Mine looks like this
the rubber plugs should easily be replaceable by 2 different sized rubber plugs which comes from the box also... The replaceable plugs is on the bottom left of the pic. :confused:

mrwormp 2010-12-14 19:42

Re: prevent the n900 headphone slipping off?
I really hate those POS headphones that came with it

sepehrsfmech 2010-12-14 19:44

Re: prevent the n900 headphone slipping off?
i didnt have diffrent sizes.....

Optimus 2010-12-14 19:45

Re: prevent the n900 headphone slipping off?

Originally Posted by mrwormp (Post 896811)
I really hate those POS headphones that came with it

I lol'd when I saw those. :D

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