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ammadtira 2010-12-19 12:19

Skype: Sill free for the N900?
Hey can anyone please tell me that if Skype for N900 is no more a freeware now as it was previously??

ammadtira 2010-12-19 12:28

Re: Skype
No one knows :-(...

zehjotkah 2010-12-19 12:33

Re: Skype
wow... wait at least a day for an answer^^

Skype is preinstalled on all N900s except the ones in india.
The ones from india can install it on their N900s for free from the Ovi store, afaik.

bunanson 2010-12-19 13:33

Re: Skype
Wow! I am totally floored with your knowledge on N900. I wish I could be just 10% as good as you ...

And sure the forum is previleged to have you hang around and help the N900-citizens.

Your faithful follower,


Add: My skype stutters alot with 2.5 or wifi, only 3.5 kind of workable. I read MohammadAG 's pulseaudio package, not quite sure whether that would be benefitial as some posted it could cost 'desync' and difficult to uninstall other than flash. I wonder you have any thought about it?

Add: Well, the OP did wait... 9 mins including typing :)


jaimex2 2010-12-19 14:14

Re: Skype: Sill free for the N900?

Originally Posted by ammadtira (Post 899923)
Hey can anyone please tell me that if Skype for N900 is no more a freeware now as it was previously??

I used it yesterday, still silky smooth. It depends on your 3G company I guess.

My phone warms up a lot using Skype though, I'm running it at 1Ghz

ammadtira 2010-12-20 06:21

Re: Skype

Originally Posted by zehjotkah (Post 899927)
wow... wait at least a day for an answer^^

Skype is preinstalled on all N900s except the ones in india.
The ones from india can install it on their N900s for free from the Ovi store, afaik.

Dear actually I know that skype is pre installed on N900. But if you go to Skype Website and Check the skype for N900, it will ask you to buy it.

ammadtira 2010-12-20 06:23

Re: Skype

Originally Posted by bunanson (Post 899945)
Wow! I am totally floored with your knowledge on N900. I wish I could be just 10% as good as you ...

And sure the forum is previleged to have you hang around and help the N900-citizens.

Your faithful follower,


Add: My skype stutters alot with 2.5 or wifi, only 3.5 kind of workable. I read MohammadAG 's pulseaudio package, not quite sure whether that would be benefitial as some posted it could cost 'desync' and difficult to uninstall other than flash. I wonder you have any thought about it?

Add: Well, the OP did wait... 9 mins including typing :)


Dear Bun,

I also astonished with your words. I know that skype is pre installed on N900 but please go to skype website
and check the one for N900. It will give you only one option .i.e to Buy It. My question was not as simpler as u took. I was wondering if there was a new version for skype 3.0 for N900 for which it asked me to purchase it. Thats why I asked.

strange1712 2010-12-20 06:36

Re: Skype: Sill free for the N900?
Can you purchase that Skype? because 6 months ago, before I bought my N900 that "buy" button was already there, in Skype's page, but it doesn't gets you somewhere you could purchase it (nor download it). So I think Skype web page don't really know whats going on with N900 really or maybe here in Mexico that "article" is not available...

jsomby 2010-12-20 06:41

Re: Skype: Sill free for the N900? says that it will be pre-installed on N900 and when you are going to buy it you are actually buying whole N900 and not client.

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