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gabby131 2010-12-21 17:35

Red LED light on Skype Video Call
sorry i was on a panic.

is the red LED light while on a skype call via wi-fi normal?

my first time using skype on n900 so i got scared, with the post somewhere that a red LED light means a hardware bug.


tusharmax 2010-12-21 17:58

Re: Red LED light on Skype Video Call
Relax, its normal !

FRuMMaGe 2010-12-21 18:05

Re: Red LED light on Skype Video Call
In certain countries it is mandatory for any camera to display a light while recording video. This is for privacy reasons so people cannot secretly record others without their knowledge.

Even though anyone who really wanted to do this could just put black tape over it

gabby131 2010-12-21 22:29

Re: Red LED light on Skype Video Call

Originally Posted by FRuMMaGe (Post 901463)
In certain countries it is mandatory for any camera to display a light while recording video. This is for privacy reasons so people cannot secretly record others without their knowledge.

Even though anyone who really wanted to do this could just put black tape over it

thanks.......i so even the fron facing camera has LED same as the 5mp camera at the back??



Creamy Goodness 2010-12-21 22:39

Re: Red LED light on Skype Video Call

Originally Posted by FRuMMaGe (Post 901463)
In certain countries it is mandatory for any camera to display a light while recording video. This is for privacy reasons so people cannot secretly record others without their knowledge.

Even though anyone who really wanted to do this could just put black tape over it

shhhhhh, next black tape will be illegal

FRuMMaGe 2010-12-22 00:03

Re: Red LED light on Skype Video Call

Originally Posted by Creamy Goodness (Post 901677)
shhhhhh, next black tape will be illegal

With a name like Creamy Goodness I can see why you are worried :D

jd4200 2010-12-22 00:11

Re: Red LED light on Skype Video Call
Which led turns on when on a video call?

If it is the front one (next to the screen) you may be able to disable it or change the colour with the app 'led patterns; there is an option in there for webcam.

gabby131 2010-12-22 14:34

Re: Red LED light on Skype Video Call

Originally Posted by jd4200 (Post 901715)
Which led turns on when on a video call?

If it is the front one (next to the screen) you may be able to disable it or change the colour with the app 'led patterns; there is an option in there for webcam.

okay this is telling me that it is normal......deppest thanks

Radicalz38 2010-12-22 14:37

Re: Red LED light on Skype Video Call

Originally Posted by Creamy Goodness (Post 901677)
shhhhhh, next black tape will be illegal

Then let's put chewing gum on the led :eek:

FRuMMaGe 2010-12-22 16:50

Re: Red LED light on Skype Video Call

Originally Posted by Radicalz38 (Post 902078)
Then let's put chewing gum on the led :eek:

Or we can save money on chewing gum by smashing in all the leds with a screwdriver. Why didn't I think of it before? :D

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