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tobru 2010-12-27 20:51

Mail for Exchange (MfE): Settings not saved after wizard setup

I'm trying to configure Mail for Exchange on my N900. After running the wizard (unchecked "Synchronize e-mail"), the "First synchronization" runs without any problems. I then click on Finish and see the MfE window ("Last synchronization: Today, 21:44", "Status: Idle"). There I can click on "Synchronize manually", "Details" or "Settings". On "Details" I see some numbers higher than 0 after "Added". Everything looks good.
Now I close this window by tapping above it. But I don't see an icon in the status bar and when I click on "Mail for Exchange" in Settings the wizard appears again. It looks like the settings are not saved.

Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong?
I'm running PR1.3.

Thanks a lot,

akhbit 2010-12-29 12:01

Re: Mail for Exchange (MfE): Settings not saved after wizard setup
I have the same problem.

After the first try MfE hasn't been available in add email dialog so I guess that MfE account is created at some level.

.desktop item for libasconfigapplet is in it's place at /usr/share/applications/hildon-control-panel/, but nothing is seen at statusbar.

Also tried mfefolders, but that doesn't show anything.

Where does MfE store it's account information?

tobru 2010-12-29 15:01

Re: Mail for Exchange (MfE): Settings not saved after wizard setup
After doing some research, I could see that the settings are correctly stored after running the wizard (they are store in gconf, see f.e. Check with

gconftool-2 -R /apps/activesync
So when issuing the command

dbus-send --print-reply --type=method_call --session /com/nokia/asdbus
the synchronization is started and runs successfully.
As soon as I start the MfE settings dialog, everything is cleared from gconf and the wizard starts again.

Dec 28 20:42:58 Nokia-N900 activesync[8915]: ASDAEMON-DBUS: Got a request to remove account data
Dec 28 20:42:58 Nokia-N900 activesync[8915]: ASDAEMON-REMOVE-ACCOUNT: Remove accont data

So my workaround at this moment is to schedule the above command to run every X minutes (f.e. with Alarmed).
But this is only a temporary solution, perhaps I have to open a bug in bugzilla...

akhbit 2010-12-30 07:39

Re: Mail for Exchange (MfE): Settings not saved after wizard setup

Originally Posted by tobru (Post 906744)
As soon as I start the MfE settings dialog, everything is cleared from gconf and the wizard starts again.

So my workaround at this moment is to schedule the above command to run every X minutes (f.e. with Alarmed).
But this is only a temporary solution, perhaps I have to open a bug in bugzilla...

Without any deeper understanding on the workings of MfE I'm thinking that there might be some check failing that would enable status bar applet and configuring the account.

Are the sources for libas* as-utils etc. anywhere to be found?

tobru 2010-12-31 10:14

Re: Mail for Exchange (MfE): Settings not saved after wizard setup
I'm not shure, but I think these components are closed source... =(

akhbit 2011-01-02 20:38

Re: Mail for Exchange (MfE): Settings not saved after wizard setup
just to rule some alternatives out. Are you using exchange or something else that provides activesync?

I'm using tine groupware...

tobru 2011-01-02 21:57

Re: Mail for Exchange (MfE): Settings not saved after wizard setup
I'm using Z-Push with Zimbra. The whole thing worked until some time ago, I can't remember exactly when. But I think the problems came up with PR1.3...

satter 2011-02-08 02:21

Re: Mail for Exchange (MfE): Settings not saved after wizard setup
I have the same problem with MfE wizard.
Reflashing of firmware and eMMC will fix it?

tobru 2011-02-08 07:30

Re: Mail for Exchange (MfE): Settings not saved after wizard setup
I would say: No!
But you can try! And perhaps post your results?

MortenSi 2012-11-07 07:22

Re: Mail for Exchange (MfE): Settings not saved after wizard setup
On one side, it's pretty bad that things does not work as they should, on the other side, that the sync function is that easily available from the command line, should make it pretty easy to add in two functions that I have been missing from the present calendar sync:

* Make different sync timing depending on if you are connected through wifi or mobile net. (maybe even if you are in your home net or roaming) (I guess it is possible for a program to see how the unit is connected)
* Sync to several calendars: I have not looked into it, but I would guess there are apis for saving and restoring gconf-info. Save each of the different syncs you want to set up (eg syncing private google calendar to one calendar on the n900, syncing work calendar to another on the n900) and automatically switching between the two setups, something like

gconf-restore googlesync
gconf-restore worksync

(where the do-sync is the dbus-send command tobru has further up here)

seems like gconftool-2 --dump /apps/activesync > activesync.xml should save the data and a later gconftool-2 --restore activesync.xml then restores it - in all cases useful just to have a backup in case I should accidentally touch the MfE settings... (warning, I have not testet this, but the xml looks sane and a quick grep shows that the password is stored encrypted (no idea how strong the encryption is or where the password for decryption is stored...)

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