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deny_winarto 2010-12-31 11:36

Nitdroid 0.09 APN won't save
Hello i have a problem setting APN on Nitdroid 0.0.9

The APN won't save after i press "save APN"
I tried changing the values many times but it still doesn't work

I've only seen one similar problem in Nitdroid forum, but the solution (to input as few as possible) doesn't work for my case..

Anyway to fix this?


deny_winarto 2011-01-01 05:40

Re: Nitdroid 0.09 APN won't save
happy new year all :)

anyone know the fix for this?

deny_winarto 2011-01-01 14:56

Re: Nitdroid 0.09 APN won't save
Should i reinstall? :confused:

raghavmurali 2011-01-01 15:13

Re: Nitdroid 0.09 APN won't save
did you select reset to defaults by any chance?

deny_winarto 2011-01-01 15:20

Re: Nitdroid 0.09 APN won't save

Originally Posted by raghavmurali (Post 909049)
did you select reset to defaults by any chance?

You mean after i set the values?
nope, only once before, after tying to so many times and dunno what to do..
Then i reboot and tried again but still no luck:(

deny_winarto 2011-01-01 16:46

Re: Nitdroid 0.09 APN won't save
Even on gingerbread this still happens!:confused:

Let me get this clear,

1. I go to Settings > Wireless Networks > Mobile Network Settings > Access Point Names
2. Then an empty screen with "APN" on top left shows up
3. Options > New APN
4. I enter the values for the provider
5. Save APN
6. Back to the empty screen in #3, no APN just blank screen

what am i doing wrong???

deny_winarto 2011-01-03 04:26

Re: Nitdroid 0.09 APN won't save
Here's a video to show my problem

sorry about the quality

cincibluer6 2011-01-03 04:32

Re: Nitdroid 0.09 APN won't save
I'm sure you checked the nitdroid forums but android forums might be another good resource. I know that some Vodafone guys were having problems and I believe they said something about leaving the settings as default (or part of it default) and it worked.
You might try to save any APN and then edit it later to reflect the actual APN values.

raghavmurali 2011-01-03 10:44

Re: Nitdroid 0.09 APN won't save
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by deny_winarto (Post 909058)
You mean after i set the values?
nope, only once before, after tying to so many times and dunno what to do..
Then i reboot and tried again but still no luck:(

Even i did reset to defaults and then not able to add an apn. Lucky that I made a backup using backup everything app in nitdroid. Please install the app and then copy the following file into backupeverything folder in your sdcard (it should be mydocs folder in emmc). remove the .txt extension( I was not able to upload without the extension). open the backup everything app and select restore. select apn alone from the list.

Hope the apn should be added. Please edit the same as per your requirement. Let me know. This is experimental and I am trying to help you

deny_winarto 2011-01-03 22:33

Re: Nitdroid 0.09 APN won't save

Originally Posted by raghavmurali (Post 910404)
Even i did reset to defaults and then not able to add an apn. Lucky that I made a backup using backup everything app in nitdroid. Please install the app and then copy the following file into backupeverything folder in your sdcard (it should be mydocs folder in emmc). remove the .txt extension( I was not able to upload without the extension). open the backup everything app and select restore. select apn alone from the list.

Hope the apn should be added. Please edit the same as per your requirement. Let me know. This is experimental and I am trying to help you

Thanks, but i can't find the backupeverything folder anywhere.
I put it in MyDocs/backups/backup
but it won't work when i restore it in backpeverything so i guess that's wrong folder

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