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tissot 2011-01-05 22:18

Android 3.0 (Honeycomb)

Liking what i see so far.

Not to sound like MeeGo hater, but 3.0 actually seems to be really offering the kind of UI that i was hoping from MeeGo side on tablets and the huge user base is already there.
Though it's still early days and that video did not show more than general feel of the UI.
Only thing that i can say straight away that i'm not huge fan of that bottom bar that looks kind of cheap compared to rest of the UI.

mrojas 2011-01-05 22:20

Re: Android 3.0 (Honeycomb)
I have the impression that some part of the Android screen in the video still have that subtle "lag" that Android has compared to other HW-accelerated UI's.

Aside that minor detail, Android 3.0 running on the Asus Slider would make a buyer.

cfh11 2011-01-05 22:26

Re: Android 3.0 (Honeycomb)
Finally... a tablet OS that doesn't just look like a giant phone

tissot 2011-01-05 22:29

Re: Android 3.0 (Honeycomb)

Originally Posted by cfh11 (Post 912640)
Finally... a tablet OS that doesn't just look like a giant phone

Very happy that Google/Android went for this route.
Sick of the "first gen" tablets with mobile phone hw and UI.

Hopefully the general public thinks the same too so we see much more of Android 3.0 and MeeGo tablet UX devices with great hw.

Kenny1001 2011-01-05 22:40

Re: Android 3.0 (Honeycomb)
i think this is awesome!!

noal 2011-01-05 22:41

Re: Android 3.0 (Honeycomb)

Originally Posted by tissot (Post 912642)
Very happy that Google/Android went for this route.
Sick of the "first gen" tablets with mobile phone hw and UI.

Hopefully the general public thinks the same too so we see much more of Android 3.0 and MeeGo tablet UX devices with great hw.


Looks promising and unlike a phone which should help separate tablets and smartphones in consumers eyes.

YoDude 2011-01-06 00:11

Re: Android 3.0 (Honeycomb)

Originally Posted by cfh11 (Post 912640)
Finally... a tablet OS that doesn't just look like a giant phone

Yup... but I don't want to "Experience the whole internet" on a tablet.

For me the beauty of a mobile browser has been the lack of ads, frames, pop-ups, and any other manner of annoyance that distracts from the information that is requested.

Now that we have the bandwidth and CPU/GPU horsepower in mobile devices I had been hoping to be seduced by a "new" tablets larger screen and more fluid touch interface.

Being able to move information retrieval from the desktop to the couch was one thing the "old" 770/N800/810 tablets allowed us to do. The clunky interface, still developing browser, and smaller screen were the trade offs.

If the trade off for a "new" tablet is that along with the information I request, the "whole internet" with all the crap it now dispenses is dragged off the desktop and on to my couch... I think I'll pass.

bandora 2011-01-06 00:23

Re: Android 3.0 (Honeycomb)
Is it me or does it look kind of similar to some of the MeeGo demo videos??? O.o

gerbick 2011-01-06 00:43

Re: Android 3.0 (Honeycomb)
Can't help but be impressed. Seems polished, well thought out... and nicely done.

Progress indeed.

gerbick 2011-01-06 00:45

Re: Android 3.0 (Honeycomb)

Originally Posted by YoDude (Post 912716)
Being able to move information retrieval from the desktop to the couch was one thing the "old" 770/N800/810 tablets allowed us to do. The clunky interface, still developing browser, and smaller screen were the trade offs.

If the trade off for a "new" tablet is that along with the information I request, the "whole internet" with all the crap it now dispenses is dragged off the desktop and on to my couch... I think I'll pass.

Wait... the N810 did offer the entire internet. Just that you could install methods to block ads, like Privoxy.

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