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law138 2011-01-08 18:31

New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?
Really like the specs but no keyboard i really hope they keep the macbook look from the leaked pics because it has a keyboard.

Dave999 2011-01-08 18:35

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboad?
If thats true. I can stop waiting for it.

msa 2011-01-08 18:38

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?
didnt we already see real productpictures of the n9?
i dont think they will cut the keyboard after such a long time, also the keyboard is one of the main visual differences between the n8 and n9 (not that thats a deciding argument, but i'm just saying...)

law138 2011-01-08 18:39

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboad?
I hope its not cause i have to have keyboard.

law138 2011-01-08 18:43

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?
i just hope the come with two meego devices one with a keyboad one without just like the n8 and e7.

casketizer 2011-01-08 18:44

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?
No qwertz, no N9 (for me).
I had Omnia HD and GalaxyS and I will not ever go back to a touchscreen-only device.

gerbick 2011-01-08 18:46

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?
New Nokia N9 rumor? How about this one... it'll be delayed yet again.

Oh wait... those are from the student renders? Pfft.

craftyguy 2011-01-08 18:49

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?

no keyboard?
Nokia, welcome to 2007

tissot 2011-01-08 18:57

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?
No, what dsmobile is saying that there will be qwertyless N9 and the already pictured N9. That qwertyless N9 would be announced or released some weeks after the qwerty N9.


Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 915113)
Oh wait... those are from the student renders? Pfft.

Those pictures are from Nokia and is the winner of Nokia's Design by Community.
Where Nokia gave you different specs to vote for and in the end 4-5 different design to choose from and the above won the votes.

gerbick 2011-01-08 19:07

Re: New n9 meego rumors. no keyboard?
Design by Community... students... tomato. Still reusing an already seen picture for a horrible rumor without any real backup?

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