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Wonko 2011-01-09 22:40

[Announce] StultitiaSimplex - A Simple Soundboard
Ever wanted to baffle your colleagues with funny audio clips or annoy your co-workers with strange noises.
Then "StultitiaSimplex" might be the right, productivity impairing, tool for you.

StultitiaSimplex is a simple soundboard that allows you to play sounds easily on the push of a button.
The "sound buttons" are displayed in a grid of selectable size.
An arbitrary number of sound buttons is supported.
Furthermore, simple recording functionality is included.

For more detailed information see the project website:
StultitiaSimplex is currently available in extras-devel.

Please note: StultitiaSimplex includes an option for overriding the audio playback volume setting.
You use this option at your own responsibility!
You are responsible for choosing a safe volume level!

Furthermore, StultitiaSimplex is not affected by the "mute" state.
Consequently, sounds are always audible no matter whether you muted audio on your device or not.

Comments and suggestions are highly appreciated.

Mentalist Traceur 2011-01-09 23:11

Re: [Announce] StultitiaSimplex - A Simple Soundboard
Oh, Wonko, you and making a new good program every month or so.

I've been meaning to install one of the cropping up sound-board programs on my N900. This seems as good of a starting point as any.

*the_newbie* 2011-05-08 01:32

Re: [Announce] StultitiaSimplex - A Simple Soundboard
I think there should abort playback pop up button should be put in the top menu and the app would be perfect if 2 sounds could be played simultaneously.

Otherwise the app is great, straightforward and simple. When I can do this you know your app is good. :cool:

megaexer 2011-06-23 11:55

Re: [Announce] StultitiaSimplex - A Simple Soundboard
I suppose StultitiaSimplex works on phone calls? The app seems good so far. but the wav playback stops about 0.5 sec before it should, what's with it? Also I have some ideas. Please add an option for creating pages with user defined titles. Like greetings, introduction, replies, questions etc. If one page doesn't have enough room for buttons, make the page scrollable. Make the other buttons accessible while the sound is playing i.e. dim the one button instead of a dialog box. Different button groups for different voices selectable from the top menu. Maybe mp3 support. The app could be used against telemarketers. :)

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