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funkmunk 2011-01-10 14:18

Hey friends, I have been a spectator on this forum right from the time news of the N900 leaked on the internet.But only joined once i purchased the phone in July.

This forum has helped me a lot in cementing my decision to buy the N900. I am a new user to Linux and I have no prior experience with Linux. It was only after buying the N900 did I realize the true power of Linux. I was so impressed with it that I now have Ubuntu 10.10 dual-booting on both my PC & laptop.

I initially did not mess with the N900 for fear that I might screw it up with irreversible damage. But I slowly started tweaking with it which then led to bigger & bigger hacks & mods. At present I am triple booting NITDroid 0.0.9, Gingerbread & Maemo.

All this could not have been possible without the continuous support of this amazing community.Thanks to everyone here who have helped me at some point.

Finally the reason to start this thread is that I would like to give back some of that support to others in this forum. After messing around with my phone for more than 6 months I have gained quite a bit of knowledge on problems that occur on the N900. I visit this forum almost twice everyday and notice that a lot of newbies join here everyday & post their problems haphazardly in any sub-forum without even trying to search and see if the problem has been mentioned before.

So I propose that a new sub-forum called HELP ZONE be created where everyone that joins and has a problem they can post their problems here & the wonderful people in this forum will help them solve the issue.

This new sub-forum can be further divided into smaller categories based on the devices released so far with Maemo OS. This sub-forum of HELP ZONE will only cater to problems of the specific devices & nothing else. This is help streamline and also help to cut bandwidth & server costs.

Also once the problem of that individual has been solved the thread can then be locked & deleted by the Mods.

Please vote & leave your comments here friends so that we can help each other out & show the new members what an awesome community we are. ;):)

cincibluer6 2011-01-10 14:42

Re: Simplify
Could work. Me personally, I'd just like my username for "Talk" to be used for all of It's tiring having to log in under Talk, then Downloads, etc.

funkmunk 2011-01-10 14:50

Re: Simplify

Originally Posted by cincibluer6 (Post 916879)
Could work. Me personally, I'd just like my username for "Talk" to be used for all of It's tiring having to log in under Talk, then Downloads, etc.

Why don't you vote then if u think this could work.No offence.. ;)

geneven 2011-01-10 14:52

Re: Simplify
Solutions are always nice, but I'm not convince that reorganizing the forums is a good idea. Things seem to work fairly well now. I long ago advocated a "free fire zone" in which people could post brief questions, which would be automatically be deleted after a few days. That was not accepted as a good idea by anyone.

funkmunk 2011-01-10 15:00

Re: Simplify
Im not asking for reorganizing the forum just a request to open a new sub-forum only for catering to the problems of the new members here.That should not be that difficult I feel.

kureyon 2011-01-11 01:57

Re: Simplify

Originally Posted by funkmunk (Post 916906)
Im not asking for reorganizing the forum just a request to open a new sub-forum only for catering to the problems of the new members here.

Great, more places for people to ask questions that have already been asked (and probably answered) over and over again. :mad:

New members start here:
  • Spend a couple of weeks reading the wiki
  • Spend a couple of months reading the forums

Now 99.99% of the questions that you were going to ask has been answered.

tzsm98 2011-01-11 03:35

Re: Simplify

Originally Posted by funkmunk (Post 916861)
Hey friends, <SNIP>
So I propose that a new sub-forum called HELP ZONE be created where everyone that joins and has a problem they can post their problems here & the wonderful people in this forum will help them solve the issue.

This new sub-forum can be further divided into smaller categories based on the devices released so far with Maemo OS. This sub-forum of HELP ZONE will only cater to problems of the specific devices & nothing else. This is help streamline and also help to cut bandwidth & server costs.

Also once the problem of that individual has been solved the thread can then be locked & deleted by the Mods.

Please vote & leave your comments here friends so that we can help each other out & show the new members what an awesome community we are. ;):)

A "New User Start Here" sticky that pops up automatically upon registration that directs the new user as suggested by kureyon is a good idea.

A better design for this poll, one that would have better participation and produce good data is one that offered two choices for handling the new user situation that you can live with. The results of that poll will be data that supports two ideas you can bring to market, so to speak. Another approach is a simple YES/NO poll for your proposition.

The poll, in the current form, is a manipulative "force answer" poll that is appropriate only in fear mongering political fundraising pieces aimed at the less intelligent or less educated areas of a constituency.

ysss 2011-01-11 04:00

Re: Simplify
For maemo?
I thought we're all gearing up to move (on)...?
You do realize this is an EOL platform on its last version...?

funkmunk 2011-02-02 20:42

Re: Simplify

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 917494)
For maemo?
I thought we're all gearing up to move (on)...?
You do realize this is an EOL platform on its last version...?

I am aware that this platform is on its last version but just because Nokia has stopped supporting us doesn't mean that the people in this community can't help those in problems?

This community will continue to support the N900 for a long time to come.

funkmunk 2011-02-02 20:43

Re: Simplify

Originally Posted by tzsm98 (Post 917487)
A "New User Start Here" sticky that pops up automatically upon registration that directs the new user as suggested by kureyon is a good idea.

A better design for this poll, one that would have better participation and produce good data is one that offered two choices for handling the new user situation that you can live with. The results of that poll will be data that supports two ideas you can bring to market, so to speak. Another approach is a simple YES/NO poll for your proposition.

The poll, in the current form, is a manipulative "force answer" poll that is appropriate only in fear mongering political fundraising pieces aimed at the less intelligent or less educated areas of a constituency.

Thanks for the feedback..Is it possible for me to edit the poll??

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