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MohammadAG 2011-01-12 12:53

[Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Most of you have seen this on XpressMusic devices running Symbian S60V5, and I have to admit, it's cool to have a way to quickly access some apps.

Well, there's an always-on proximity sensor on the N900 (yes, it's always on, whether in use, or not), so why not put it to use ;)

It's activated by holding the proximity sensor for 1.2s, and of course, this is configurable, just edit /home/user/.config/MohammadAG/mediabar (hey, it's not my fault QSettings uses "Organisation names" as the config directory :p)

(V0.3) Hold the mediaplayer icon to show mediaplayer controls:

Might be more of a proof of concept for now, as the icons can't be changed, for now. Patches of course welcome :)

Thanks to Venemo for getting Qt Mobility code in it, however, I have went back to using proximityd and made Qt Mobility code available for non Maemo 5 devices, the reason for this is because QtM Sensors uses 7-17% of the CPU and keeps it at 500MHz, eating battery life.
Anyway, this should be very light on the battery, as the proximity is always active.

Thanks to nicolai for the Qt MAFW wrapper (that's also being used in the FOSS mediaplayer).

Package name is MediaBar (mediabar for apt-get)
Source on gitorious:

Due to the nature of an unpatched hildon-desktop, this will not work in the Task manager and the task launcher and hildon-desktop will just capture the click itself.

Enjoy :)

MaddogG 2011-01-12 13:16

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
This is something I was really missing (I had a Nokia 5800XM, great phone :cool:), thank you!

bzbnd 2011-01-12 13:38

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
if nokia had someone like you.....

lolloo 2011-01-12 13:50

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
how do I change shortcuts?

also we need more communication apps, we had enough customisation on the phone already!

but anyways thanks. but please ppl concentrate on applications for communication and connecting to people and friends better

and thats what N900 lacks of!

MohammadAG 2011-01-12 14:00

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
I already mentioned that it's v0.1 and the icons are all hardocded, it's open source though, you can easily change the icons and compile it.

As for communication, although we might not be talking about the same thing, we have something in mind for the coming months.

Jaffa 2011-01-12 14:11

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by lolloo (Post 918647)
but anyways thanks. but please ppl concentrate on applications for communication and connecting to people and friends better

People will scratch an itch. Perhaps you could make them aware of an itch they didn't know they had by describing something (in a different thread) concrete and achievable which meets these "communiction and connecting" requirements you have.

Since it's a phone, has IM/SMS & email, I don't have much problem contacting anyone in the world who I want to speak to ;-)

NokTokDaddy 2011-01-12 14:24

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 918655)
...As for communication, although we might not be talking about the same thing, we have something in mind for the coming months.

Now that's not fair - dangling the bait then pulling it away!:cool:

Let the speculum begin! (sorry, speculation)

Look forward to trying this out later - thanks once again.

MohammadAG 2011-01-12 14:28

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Way (way!) too early to start talking about it :p

mbo 2011-01-12 14:31

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
This is really cool, thanks! :)

MohammadAG 2011-01-12 14:39

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Oh and I forgot to mention something, there's a Qt class in there that sends a signal when the screen's locked and has a boolean that returns true if the screen's locked, might be useful for other Qt devs out there (since this isn't available from Qt Mobility for some reason...)

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